Ms.A: Drakester!! I've been waiting to interview you how are you today?
Drake: LOL Im doing great today Ms.A how are you?
Ms.A: I'm wonderful do you perfer me calling you Drakester or drakezzy?
Drake: LOL Drakezzy will do
Ms.A: LMAO!!
Ms.A: OK so you had an Ep drop tuesday what was the purpose of that?
Drake: Well I get that alot because you can get it for free and people have been listening to the mixtape for awhile now, But I wanted to do it because I wanted everybody involved in the project to get there hands on a physical copy and see it in stores.I just really wanted to give you the option to have the disc! If you got it for free and want to just keep it that way than by all means do so but just think of it as a gift from me!
Ms.A: How sweet was that? great way to put that
Drake: Thank you Ms.A
Ms.A: So we saw you in 06' with your first single ever ft Trey songz called replacement girl right?
Drake:: Yes ma'am
Ms.A: How did you go from that to being the hottest thing since sliced bread?
Drake: Well its been a very long hard road
Ms.A: I bet
Drake: I got singed to a record deal, after that and I got dropped than one day after I sent my mixtapes to Lil Wayne for about a year I finally met him and spit for him on the spot, after that he told me I can run along with his crew but I had to earn the right to record
Ms.A: WOW, so you sent your Mixtapes to lil wayne for a year?
Drake: Yes I sent him my material for over a year so I would go on the road with him and I would write and he would have me be like a rookie on a football team, I had to go fetch the food and other products then one day he said get in the booth and ever since than its been a whirlwind
Ms.A: Damn!! it sounds like you've earned the right to be in young money!
Drake: Yeah you can say that for sure
Ms.A: So other than Lil Wayne who are some of your role models in this music thing?
Drake: I look up to Michael Jackson,Jay-Z,Kanye,Snoop,Dre,U2, Their lasting power I feel is amazing so I hope that Im blessed with that longevity in my career
Ms.A: Speaking of Kanye West did you see the VMA's?
Drake: Yes I did see the VMA's it was a very interesting show
Ms.A: What did you think of (Your cousin) Lil' mama going on stage at the end of Jay-Z and Alicia Keyes performance?
Drake: LMAO my cousin! When I first saw it my mouth dropped to the floor I was in complete shock and awe!! But I guess she did what she wanted to do and that is be seen
Ms.A: To each its own I say
Drake:LOL thats a good way to put it
Ms.A: I know you've seen my blog and the comments the women have about you...what kind of women does Drake like?
Drake: LOL I love a smart woman who carries herself very classy! She has to have a heart of gold and a really good understanding
Ms.A: So SAU if you ladies see this all the birdies have no chance with Drake right?
Drake: You damn right No chance!
Ms.A: So I know we all have our personal opinions about the music industry as a whole....what is your personal opinion on the state of hip hop?
Drake: My personal opinion on Hip-Hop is that we are in a very pivitol state of transformation right now as you know record sales are down and we have to find creative ways to sell records and be profitable
Ms.A: Of course
Drake: If we dont change Hip-Hop wont be around forever
Ms.A: Thats a good point
Drake: I feel that for the last decade or so Hip-Hop has been the dominate genre and now I feel Rock and Alternative or starting to take over again because they have adjusted
Ms.A: For the ladies Drakeezy...Boxers or Briefs?
Drake: Ummmmm I would have to go with Boxer briefs
Ms.A: Uh OH now!
Drake: How about I have a question for the ladies of SAU Thongs,Boy Shorts or Regular Panties??
Ms.A: LMAO Don't tempt SAU ladies like that!
Ms.A: Ok last question and I will get out of your hair
Drake: Oh No problem this is the best interview I have had in awhile Im having alot of fun
Ms.A:OK Fresh Prince or Martin? If you choose wrong....
Drake: Awh damn how can you choose?? ummmmm I have to say Fresh Prince
Ms.A: OK you better had!!!!
Drake: Will Smith is a monster man
Ms.A: That takes nothing away from Martin but Willard is the truth!
Drake: LOL Willard I love what you do with the names
Ms.A: Why thank you I gotta keep you entertained right?
Drake: Thats right and you do a great job of that everyday on your site your my favorite
Ms.A: 2pts for team Drakester!!: Thank you, I try my best
Drake: Tell Ms.Dominican I said hi when you talk to her again
Ms.A: LMAO will do again thank you so much for your time Drake!
Drake: Your welcome Ms.A keep up the great work on your blog
Drake: I'm honored to be apart of your prestigous University! Can I say one thing before I go?
Ms.A: Sure
Drake: I see that you guys have a Fantasy Football League going on
Ms.A: We sure do
Drake: Well since I love the ladies of the SAU so much How about the woman who comes in first place in your league will recieve a personal date with me one on one in New York City all airfare and and accomomidations paid for by me and she will be there for an entire weekend maybe a little shopping on me also but I will work that out I will hash out the details of everything in about a week with Ms.A to get everything straight!
Ms.A: WELL SAU ladies you heard it first! Any lady that wins Fantasy Football Gets an exclusive Date with the Drakester himself!
Drake: Well I cant forget about my fellas! If a man comes in first than he will recieve an autographed copy of all of my mixtapes maybe even my album at that time
Ms.A: SAU you heard it here!!!
Drake: Aswell as a $1,000 dollar gift card for Itunes and a new IPOD touch maybe more but me and Ms.A will hash out the details!
Ms.A: I'm with it
Drake: Well than have a great season and Im sure Ms.A will keep me updated as the season progresses
Drake: Play hard! Thanks for your time Ms.A and I will talk to you soon!
Ms.A: have a Great one Drizleton
Drake: LOL I got a new name again, That might be the name of my second CD...JK