"this is a new band. Same name, but it's a new band."- Chad Smith (Drummer for RHCP)
That same name is what made many people pick up the latest release of Red Hot Chili Peppers' new album "I'm With you". 5 years, 5 years without the experimental Rock, mixed with Funk Rock, a dash of disco, and that special irie feeling which now takes us back to the loading space the Peppers call home. With the addition of guitarist Josh klinghoffer it brings the Red hot Chili Peppers back to a feeling they haven't had since the early 80's...Vulnerability.
Without a doubt that's how we start out this album. "Monarchy of Roses" takes the thought of "The Queen" being your one and only in comparison to the highest form of a flower, The Rose. Knowing the Rose is the most special flower among the others they do contain thorns, hence the line "Mary wants to build it up/ but Sherry wants to tear it all back down/" A genius way to compare "your Queen" or women in general to roses, as well as a creative way to start an album out.
Keeping with the signature sound RHCP are known for, songs like "Ethiopia" & "Factory Of Faith" Which has snares seemingly to keep our ears on the "look out" for each and every sound that make up these devious songs Mr. Rick Rubin eagerly punched us in the face with, The general feeling of this album has to be one of "If it ain't broke,don't fix it.
Compelling lyrics and a campfire tune that sticks to your brain as a bandage on the gash of music is what you get on "Brendan's Death Song". Spoken word yelled on roof top of a jazz bar make up "Even you Brutus?" as Kiedis progresses his inner thoughts as only spoken word with a twist of "pissed off-ness" can.
But the widespread of genres making up this album doesn't stop there, "Did I Let You Know" A mash up of that irie feeling stated above with features from a tickled trumpet, roaring guitar, and tip toeing vocals are attention worthy.
"Happiness Loves Company"- Cheerful indeed, this songs has all the makings of the 1967 Hit song "Happy Together" by the Turtles. Drunken Lyrics like "Half blinded I'm reminded how to find the stairs/Nickel and Dime I Think its time to play some musical chairs/",further show this band understands the idea of expansion.
Regardless to if you think your uncle who's been bragging about the Red Hot Chili Peppers since the early 80's is cool or not, this album shows he just might have an idea what he's been talking about all this time, and to take a brief listen would do your ear buds some justice.
Growth- B-
Production- A+
Lyrical Ability- A-
WWA (World Wide Appeal) B+
SAU Official Grade A-