Are you Happy with yourself? We all have our "pick flaws"...I.E. "I want longer hair, "I want to loose 10lbs etc... But Happiness comes from within! Of course it sounds clique' but SAU it's too hard trying to be someone else! So lets focus on the wonderful aspects of our lives and become
Step 1. Love yourself SAU if you don't love yourself how are you going to love another? Start with the small things, they will eventually grow!
Step 2. No negativity SAU we all need to weed out the negative people in our lives because a true statement is "misery loves company" SAU....Let them go!
Step 3. Accept YOU! There is no easier way to say it. You will be you forever. No makeup compact, or pair of new shoes will change who you are so HUN-NAY let's be our SAVVY selves here!
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