WHOOOO HOOOOO Its Friday SAU are you guys as happy as I am? Well, its been a long time since I addressed my Prestigious University so I felt that itch today..I just want to thank you all for continuing to support us here! We appreciate you guys in every way thats why Myself Ms.Chelsea and Ms.Jennifer reach out and talk to our people and will continue to put you (the amazing students) first before anything. You make us!
You guys are "RIDE OR DIE" here, and for that I wake up every morning (Sleepy as hell mind you!!) to give you all that I have plus! Now for all the newbie's that have recently joined SAU WHAAAAADDDDUUUPPP?? I'm so happy that you come and show your love and have decided to join our crazy University....
WWE Universe you are so loyal thank you... OK Enough of my Oscar speech please Pop a bottle or something...its Friday OOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
AWWWWWWWW Ms.A we love you!
ReplyDeleteWe got your back with anything Ms.A! you give us a way to pass the work day
ReplyDeleteWE LOVE YOU MS.A!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe all might not comment all the time but we read I work at IBM in Dallas and we all read your blog
ReplyDeleteWE LOVE YOU MS.A!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for working so hard for us Ms.A
ReplyDeleteMs.A this is the thing that seperates your blog from other blogs your better than them but you thank us and you are so appreciative! Thank you Ms.A and keep up the good work you are the best!
ReplyDeleteWWE UNITE!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe LOVE YOU Ms.A we all read at the Victoria Secret HQ we love you Ms.A!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog everyday
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great work Ms.A
ReplyDeleteWE LOVE YOU Ms.A!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A your the best blog ever we love you and your entire team
ReplyDeleteMs.A YOUR THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A you make my day go by so thank you your an essential part of my day
ReplyDeleteI first saw your blog when you had the other address up Ms.A does that mean I'm in a new semester? LOL I love you Ms.A thank you so much for being the shit
ReplyDeleteWe love you over at Coke Hq
ReplyDeleteMs.A we love you at Clark Atlanta University!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to pop a bottle for you tonight Ms.A! you are the shit keep those other blogs mad
ReplyDeleteMs.A your the best EVER WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A we love you at Frito Lay in Texas!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A your the GREATEST
ReplyDeleteAWWWWW we love you Ms.A!
ReplyDeletethis was so sweet Ms.A! We love you in Russia Ms.A
ReplyDeleteMS.A YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A I read your blog all the time but I don't comment because I have to log out so my boss won't kill me!
ReplyDeleteMs.A your the best!
ReplyDeletethanks for representing Illinois Ms.A!
ReplyDeleteMs.A we love you at Yale University
ReplyDeleteMs.A I love this blog you are off the chain and you are the hardest working woman! thank you
ReplyDeleteXavier University checkin in Ms.A..you keep me from my school work sometimes!
ReplyDeleteWe love you!
ReplyDeleteWe love you Ms.A! you mean so much to the WWE Universe
ReplyDeleteThank you for everything Ms.A
ReplyDeleteWWE UNITE!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWOOOOOOWWWW I guess you guys got the memo right?
ReplyDeletethank you guys so much you make my day the best everyday GROUP HUG!!!
ReplyDeleteWOW all the Universities and HQ's representin today! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU :)
ReplyDeleteWE Love you so much Ms.A
ReplyDeleteMs.A you are like the bestfriend I never had thank you
ReplyDeleteWe love you here at the Wendy Williams Show Ms.A......HOW YOU DOIN?
ReplyDeleteMs.A we love you!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete(Ms.A pouts her lips..and clears throat)...HOW YOU DOIN?
ReplyDeleteI love you sis and the blog is looking great.We havent talked in a min but next week were going to get together.Great job SIS!
ReplyDeleteI miss you Mrs.Wendy!
ReplyDeleteMs.A you have Wendy and Drake as readers???? You are the new celibrity blogger I love it
ReplyDeleteis this everyone gang up on Ms.A day? Bruh where the hell you been Drake?
ReplyDeleteMs.A you just dont know Ms.A Im going through a rough period in my life and you get me through it everyday.Thank you and love you Ms.A
ReplyDeleteOh no not me I'm no celebrity!
ReplyDeleteI love you Ms.A you made my day yesterday and made me feel good about myself thank you
ReplyDeleteOMG Ms.A you know everyone!
ReplyDeleteMs.A we love you so much!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A you are a celebrity blogger look at the people who have come on here
ReplyDeleteDang y'all I'm gonna cry thanks Zoe!
ReplyDeleteWe love you over here at the view Ms.A your the best.I love your interviewing skills Ms.A keep up the great work and the future will be bright for you
ReplyDeleteOMG you bringing them out today thats why we love you
ReplyDeleteWE LOVE YOU MS.A!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love your site Ms.A keep up the great work I cant wait until the next time we talk
ReplyDeleteSHUT UP! B.Walt? WOOOOOOOOO that was a HUGE ONE! thank you so much Mrs.Walters
ReplyDeleteWe love you at the Ellen Show Ms.A......I really enjoyed the interview
ReplyDeleteDAMN MS.A!
ReplyDeleteIt looked great aswell
ReplyDeleteThis is crazy Ms.A!
ReplyDeleteWe love you at the W Midtown Ms.A we read all the time
ReplyDeleteOMFG look at all these celebrities Ms.A you are official now
ReplyDeleteDamn Ms.A look at these famous friends you have......You and Drake are Sister and Brothers Ms.A?
ReplyDeleteDrake and Ms.A are brother and Sister? WOW!
ReplyDeleteMs.A you know I love you and your the baddest bitch on the block.I love you Ms.A and thank you for all of the support
ReplyDeleteWOW I love you KERI!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A I love you!!!!!! your site is the coolest
ReplyDeleteThe entire family loves you Ms.A! Keep up the great work
ReplyDeleteDamn y'all thank you so much for coming to show me love! I'm over here falling out of my computer chair!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Ms.A!
ReplyDeleteWe havent chatted in awhile but we need to hook up next week.I love the blog Ms.A your killing the game now its over
ReplyDeleteWe all love you at Apple Hq Ms.A!
ReplyDeleteOMG JD,Kim Kardashian Barbra Walters,Ellen,Wendy Williams,Drake,Keri Hilson,Shakira and Zoe Saldana Ms.A and your not a celebrity? GO MS.A!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A I love you and your blog, you make all of us so happy and you bring Celebrities down to where we feel we can connect with them thank you!
ReplyDeleteYou know, SAU this was so far fetched for me when I first started this blog (for the ones that were with me back then you remember) I would never imagined that I would interview people I looked up to when I was smaller. But to see the pieces of my puzzle finally coming together is just unreal. Man I can't say it enough but thank you SAU thank you so much for being my outlet!
ReplyDeleteSHOTS FOR EVERYONE!!(21 and up)
ReplyDeleteWOW Ms.A you know some powerful people!
ReplyDeleteMs.A your the best I love you!!!!
ReplyDeleteShots for everyone YAAAYYYYY!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A you and Drake are related?
ReplyDeleteMs.A I love your site your the best Ms.A!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A Im an original and I could not be more proud of you I remember the days when you first started.And owe my have you come a long way I love you Ms.A thank you so much
ReplyDeleteSAU ROCKS!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNo SAU Drake and I are not related but he gave me one of my first major interviews so he will forever be family...Get it?
ReplyDeleteawwww that is so sweet that you two call eachother bruh and sis!
ReplyDeleteOk I get it...... I was about to say wow yall are related how cool!!!!
ReplyDeletethat is really nice that you two look at eachother as brother and sister! Drake when can we expect some music?
ReplyDeleteYeah Drake when can we expect some music?
ReplyDeleteSis remember when we talked about seeing it happen in front of you......your there right now arent you Sis?
ReplyDeletethats a good question Drake when will we hear your new music?
ReplyDeleteDrake where is your new music?
ReplyDeleteStill my fav interview to date Ms.A your getting better and better.Stay up and keep up the great work
ReplyDeleteLMAO Yea right I'm not there yet but I know who is.....You tired yet bruh?
ReplyDeleteMs.A your the best I love you so much your the BEST!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A I would just like to publicly apologize to you and your blog for my actions yesterday.I have nothing against you Im very sorry
ReplyDeleteHow crazy is it that Ms.A and Drake are having a conversation right here?
ReplyDeletePerez that was bullshit yesterday!
ReplyDeleteMs.A you handled yourself like a very classy woman yesterday!
ReplyDeleteAwww I don't believe in holding grudges so no hard feelings Perez!
ReplyDeleteMs.A I can't believe your such a good person!
ReplyDeleteI was just caught up in the moment with everything with John...... I love your site I look at it everyday and I think your the future of blogging.I know the other bloggers hate but let them hate the love your receiving today is amazing and you deserve it and if any other blogger was real they would come on here and congratgulate you because you are doing it mama keep up the great work!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A your such a class act(no pun intended)
ReplyDeleteAWWWW that was really nice thank you so much Perez!
ReplyDeleteAnd to the young lady Summer Im sorry I should not have called you out of your name.I truly apologize
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteAwwww Ms.A Im so happy for you today
ReplyDeleteOk there we go...Thank you so much for stopping by today Dwayne I can't wait to post you!
ReplyDeleteLet those other blogs hate Ms.A! your doin it big
ReplyDeleteMs.A you have been my friend in my head almost all year.Im so proud of you and Im proud to say Im an O.G LOL.......Ms.A you better WERK! BITCH! keep killing them Ms.A
ReplyDeleteI love you Ms.A your helping me get through life
ReplyDeleteVery Classy Ms.A I wish I was half the woman you are I would've snapped on his ass but you were the bigger person!
ReplyDeleteThank you for supporting me Ms.A and I cant wait this year is gonna be great Im going to take the US by Storm and you will be the queen of media.....Thank you so much Ms.A I love you!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't think you guys really understand what kind of a woman Ms.A is...She helped me personally get through a very hard time in my life she is an inspiration to me and so many people she's given her kind words to Ms.A thank you so much for doing what you did when I was in need of so much help I will always love you for having such a good heart and soul -Love N.N
ReplyDeleteWOW Ms.A you really make so many people happy you are great!
ReplyDeleteWTF have I run into?
ReplyDeleteMs.A you seriously know all these people OMG Congratulations to you and your blog your the best!
ReplyDeleteWOW Ms.A this shows your more than a blogger your an inspiration to people thats beautiful Congrats on all of your success
ReplyDeleteMs.A i love you girl you are definetly a friend in my head I feel like were best friends.Congrats girl on everything and I love you,You have the best blog by far!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love you Ms.A congrats on everything your the best I love your blog
ReplyDeleteOMG Leona Lewis I love your voice so much!
ReplyDeleteYour the best ever and Im so proud of you BABY! Keep up the great work,yall dont know what she looks like in the morning when she gets up and do the blog LOL