Last night was the end of it all..We saw a team give up and give in when things got tough. The Celtics have successfully beaten the Cavs in the 2010 playoffs in a 95-84 game where Lebron James shouldn't have shown up being that Mo' Williams carried the whole team on his back the whole game...Damn MVP. As fans in the stands called out "New York Knicks" as Lebron Shot freethrows I can imagine we won't be seeing Lebron in a Cavs Jersey next year...Or Will we? WELP good thing I was rooting for the Lakers the whole time, or I would be one sad puppy right now...WHEW! ;)
Ms.A you cant jump off the band wagon you have to be sick like the rest of us right now
ReplyDeleteMs.A you were not on the lakers dont go there yall got yall ass kicked in the second round
ReplyDeleteNew York I hope you enjoy the player without the killer instinct
ReplyDeleteThe greatest chooker of all time
ReplyDeleteIm so heartbroken by this I cant believe he let me down
ReplyDeleteMs.A dont change teams now
ReplyDeleteMan..I don't know what you guys are talking about man I was Pro Kobe the whole time :)
ReplyDeleteMs.A oh hell no you was down with LeBron you have to suffer with us!
ReplyDeleteMs.A down jump ship now
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ReplyDeleteLMFAO!!!!I'm just waiting on the Tonester to come...
ReplyDeleteMs.A we lost,LeBron is gonna leave,and now you jump shit..........DAMN!
ReplyDeleteLMAO Ms.A jumped ship you better hop on the LA train there is plenty room
ReplyDeleteMs.A you have gone down with us you cant jump off were taking you down with us LMAO
ReplyDeleteYall Lebron's out of Cleveland? Do you know how much money the city of Cleveland will lose if he leaves? Damn!
ReplyDeleteHe wants to go play for New York and be on broadway and shit......I guess the hell with the people that have helped make him who he is.So sad
ReplyDeleteMs.A its been over 6 months and your still picking bad teams LOL
ReplyDeleteMs.A dont change teams now you have to go down with the ship
ReplyDeleteMs.A you were going for the Cavs and you know it
ReplyDeleteMs.A damn you didnt come through with this one LOL.....So will you be a Knicks are Nets fan?
ReplyDeleteMs.A a Nets fan? Naaah I'm going to take my time to find a ship to jump on this time you see what going with the hype does!
ReplyDeleteLOL Ms.A I think its so funny that LeBron loss last night
ReplyDeleteLA all day we just have to play hard and dont take Phoenix lightly
ReplyDeleteLeBron we will happily take you in NY my man please come
ReplyDeleteJust rub it right
ReplyDeleteI cant believe LeBron choked like this.....to put his name in the same paragraph as Jordan is an insult SMH
ReplyDeleteI agree he passed the ball to Mo williams so much last night he didn't want to take it..FAIL Lebron!
ReplyDeleteCome On LeBron!!!!!
ReplyDeleteUmmmmmm Ms.A........SMH I dont even have words I need a little time to find words for the biggest choke of all time
ReplyDeleteSo would you like your prize in BBQ or Ranch Ms.A?
ReplyDeleteUGH...I'll take BBQ Tony thank you :(