Friday, June 25, 2010

SAU Its Friday!!!!!!!

SAU we've made it! Its our wonderful holiday, but kinda bitter-sweet being that we're paying our respect to music as a whole in Michael Jackson.

Like many of you Michael was my hero and the man I thought I was going to marry (don't judge me). I have a respect that's unknown for this man being that I got many ass whippings for slicing my pants and putting on my mother's light makeup, because I wanted to be like what I thought was the most spectacular human show in the world on stage.

On This day last year our hero passed away but although its a sad day that he's not here, In the 504 they celebrate life and death so "Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez! With that said for a day I think its only right to put away everyone else and give our highest honor to the man that made music enjoyable for so many around the world, a man that broke down color boundaries and showed that talent out weights everything, and a man that can make the hardest thug from Jim Jones & Jay-Z to Raekwon and Kanye West pass the hell out! (LMAO) I'm trying my best to pay respect where its due so I hope you guys enjoy some of my favorite pickings (comment where you feel the need)...

Michael Jackson was an American recording artist, entertainer, and philanthropist. Referred to as the King of Pop, Jackson is recognized as the most successful entertainer of all time by Guinness World Records. His contribution to music, dance and fashion, along with a much-publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades. The eighth child of the Jackson family, he debuted on the professional music scene alongside his brothers as a member of The Jackson 5 in the mid-1960s, and began his solo career in 1971.

In the early 1980s, Jackson became a dominant figure in popular music and the first African-American entertainer to amass a strong crossover following on MTV. The music videos for his songs, such as "Beat It", "Billie Jean" and "Thriller", were credited with transforming the medium into an art form and a promotional tool, and the popularity of these videos helped to bring the relatively new television channel to fame. Videos such as "Black or White" and "Scream" made him a staple on MTV in the 1990s. Through stage performances and music videos, Jackson popularized a number of dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk. His distinctive musical sound and vocal style have influenced numerous hip hop, pop, contemporary R&B and rock artists.


  1. Ms.A this tribute has made me shed a tear I lost my childhood when that man died.He was so much more than a man he was an Angel I believe and his time on this earth was done I love you Michael Rest in peace and I will never forget you

  2. Ms.A you did the king right thank you I didnt think I could like you anymore but now I do

  3. Im not gonna post a comment on each video because you have alot of them but I watched the Quincy video and that was amazing.I watched all the videos and they were great choices Ms.A

  4. R.I.P Mike we will never forget you

  5. We have to keep this man alive for our future generations he can never die everybody has to know that he is the KING!



  8. Mike is gonna forever live in my heart and soul there will never be another

  9. Ms.A you did Mike right hats off to you

  10. There will never be another artist like him ever long live the king and we miss you

  11. Ms.A all of your videos were amazing the songs the performances all great

  12. You guys better comment today this is the the man that is the reason we do this and I'm just a writer . If this man didn't live we wouldn't be here no other blogs dedicated their entire blog to the king! I love you MICHAEL!

  13. Ms.A you did a great job with this tribute there is no where else like it on the net or anywhere today

  14. I remember I use to cut my pants too Ms.A once when I was smaller I had every pant I had cut off but I loved it that much!

  15. All of your video selections really gave a feeling of wholeness around the man's life and music.

  16. I miss Michael so much but his music will live forever hearing all of the songs its such a special wonderful day

  17. What a beautiful Day thank the lord for Michael

  18. RIP MIKE I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

  19. Michael is the greatest ever and the Ne-Yo performance is one of my favs

  20. You are not alone is one of his most under rated songs Ms.A by far R.Kelly is the truth

  21. That interview with him and Q should go into the Smithsonian legendary

  22. You killed this Ms.A you killed it

  23. Ms.A your the best ever for doing this OMG I love Mike he is still my husband in my head

  24. When Beyonce performed Michael's song is one of the few times I actually liked that dumb broad.She did a good job dispite herself

  25. damn tell us how you really feel about Beyonce'

  26. Michael is my hero and I will never forget him R.I.P

  27. Michael Jackson is the best to ever do it I actually got to meet him in 92' but I don't remember because I passed out his presence was amazing

  28. Ms.A you are amazing for this and I hope Michael can some how see this

  29. I can not believe he was dancing to ignition! That is weird to see him regular

  30. He has the power to make grown men cry and pass out amazing

  31. What an amazing person he was touched by the right hand of God for sure

  32. I remember the first time I heard Mike as a little boy and he had the highest voice it was amazing

  33. He gave me chills when I saw him at the appollo for the first time I knew he would be special but I didnt know he would be what he was......The KING

  34. Ms.A the video of him and Mr.Jones is classic I wish I could pull it off and put it on DVD

  35. Ms.A you killed this thank you

  36. Long live Ms.A for this

  37. OMG this is the best day on your blog ever

  38. I was lucky to see him once in concert and I will never forget that.He is really gone to soon

  39. R.I.P to the King!

  40. Ms.A all of your videos are amazing

  41. I'm so happy you guys think I atleast did him a tad bit of guys ready to get off and enjoy the weekend?

  42. you made the time go by so fast with your videos Ms.A!

  43. Ms.A all of the videos were great you brought me back with can you feel it

  44. Im so ready Ms.A what are you doing this weekend?

  45. You know working with Michael was an amazing experience and Im so blessed and lucky to have not only work with him but know him.You know one time and its one of my funniest stories of him and most memorable.We were working in the studio on the Dangerous record and one of my writers brought in this woman who he was friends with and Michael thought she was so pretty.and of course the woman thought Michael was cute and he is MICHAEL! but that entire night Michael who is usually so confident in the studio he balled up into a shell and could not sing anything for the rest of the night.

  46. I will always remember Michael for that because he is so maticulus about his work and to see him go in a shell like that was amazing.That let me know he was human like all of the rest of us

  47. Thank you for doing this amazing tribute to MJ Ms.A this was a class act

  48. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Teddy I love you so much this was beautiful I Love you Teddy!

  49. Ms.A you know him?


  51. Awww what a story Teddy thank you for sharing that and thank you for coming to the blog I'm honored!

  52. OMG Michael was like that!

  53. Can other celebrities come share their stories? I want to hear more!

  54. Ms.A the video of him and Q was amazing how beautiful was that.

  55. Teddy that was a great story you did remember the time so you are a historian!

  56. I would love to know what Q uincy is feeling like today

  57. I wonder what kinds of stories Quincy Jones has that video of them two was amazing!

  58. I went to see Michael Jackson live in concert it was so hot in there but noone cared Michael jackson was on stage!

  59. Teddy and other producers that worked with him are so damn lucky you know when he was alive tabloids only talked about him and his personal life but the man was the biggest star in this world! I think they should all apologize to this Michael everytime his bday,and death date comes around!

  60. The best moment for me is when me and Michael were in the studio and I could not believe he showed up to start I thought I was just gonna write the songs I had and submit them.Because Michael does not go into the studio with everybody.But he walked in the studio with no bodygaurd in and sat down at the console like he was not Michael Jackson.That night changed my life forever musically he helped me find who I was as a songwriter and a person.He is the most amazing human I have ever met

  61. That night we had a passionate love child together as I like to call it."Butterlies" I know its not one of his most declerated songs but to me it means the entire world.Because I got to not only be in that man's pressence but he sang one of my songs.For that Mike thank you for everything and I love you and I will never forget you

  62. Do you guys think he knew he was Michael Jackson?

  63. OMG Ms.A this is the most amazing tribute you did him right

  64. Butterflies was a cut!

  65. I dont think he knew he was Michael at all I think he thought he was regular

  66. what beautiful stories!

  67. I cant comment on every video Ms.A (Im on the clock) but I was able to watch them I have been sneaking to watch them for the last 2 hours and you had me in tears at my desk such a special man

  68. Damn I didnt know Masha wrote that song you go girl!

  69. Man in the mirror and Eathe song really make me want to reevaluate myself forreal Ms.A LOL

  70. Im not a man but if I was I couldnt listen to that song thats deep music

  71. Rest In Peace Mike we miss you Im jamming to him all weekend

  72. Ms.A what a beautiful tribute I loved it thank you for allowing me to witness it

  73. Marsha and Teddy's stories make the day so much better

  74. those were really touching stories from Teddy and Marsha

  75. Michael means so much to me and the one dream I had growing up was to work with him one day thats why I got into this biz and last year on this date that dream got taken away from me.But his music lives on and he is still here with us through his music.Long live the KING!

  76. Here Here Ne-yo!

  77. OMG Ne-Yo paided his respects this is beautiful

  78. Ms.A Im here with you on got to be there

  79. I will remember him for taking me away from the world and making me feel like everything is perfect

  80. This is such a beautiful blog celebrities can come down to the fans level for a second those stories are amazing you guys!

  81. Life is perfect with Michael

  82. Ms.A your the best for this

  83. ..As long as someone feels me Ne-yo that song does it for me

  84. I remember trying to do the moon walk at 6 and moon walking my way and I fell down the stairs

  85. I feel you Ms.A that song does it for me to thats one of my favorite but Human Nature is a masterpeice

  86. I woke up this morning with tears on my pillow for the king! We miss you Mike

  87. LMAO at the person who fell down the stairs but I feel you I thought I was him too

  88. My fav song is thriller amazing him and Mr.Jones were a once in a lifetime partnership

  89. Ms.A all the videos touched me but the one with Quincy did it

  90. There's 3 Michael Jackson moments I will never forget in my life

  91. The first moment is when I heard human nature and really got a hold of what that song was.I have been chasing to have a song so masterfully done like that my whole life

  92. The second was when I had the honor to have a studio session with him in 2007 and absolutely no work got done in that session.Me and Michael talked for hours about life,religion,and sports most people dont know he was a die hard Lakers fan

  93. The 3rd is when me and Mr.Jones had a cup of coffee and talked about the thriller sessions.I will never forget that conversations those are 2 special people

  94. Ms.A is this day really happening?

  95. Ms.A these stories are amazing that people are sharing

  96. Ms.Warren you are the most prolific songwriter of all time I just thought you should know and thank you for sharing

  97. This is a beautiful tribute Ms.A I have been enjoying this Friday having all of Michael's music playing today

  98. My favorite video is Ne-Yo's and man in the mirror I love both of those songs but yours fav is crazy Ms.A

  99. R.I.P to the King and we will keep your name going forever

  100. R.I.P to the King!

  101. Ms.Warren thank you for stopping by today :)

  102. Ms.A you were woman enough to make your entire blog about him thank you Ms.A!

  103. To me Michael represents all thats good

  104. Ms.A scream was my shit I love that video

  105. Ms.A you really love music to stop everything to make your whole blog about MJ

  106. Michael is one of the most amazing people I have ever met and this day is really bittersweet for me.I know that his work and music will live on but more importantly it marks the loss of a great man,Father,Friend.

  107. Thank you for the memories Michael and I miss you.

  108. Ms.A you did a beautiful job putting this together thank you it gave me joy on this day

  109. Mr.Temperton you just made my jaw drop! Thank you so much for coming today Sr. I'm honored

  110. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! We are not worthy!

  111. You are a genius Mr.Temperton!

  112. Is that Mr.Thriller?

  113. He is one half of the genius that was Thriller can you believe he came to bless us with his presence?

  114. Man he is an outstanding writer its scary

  115. Ms.A this is the best day ever on your blog

  116. He is the best writer to ever live Im going cry like a baby now

  117. Ms.A everything was beautiful

  118. Ms.A will you do this every year?

  119. I remember meeting Michael for the first time and he was so scared of me.I walked up and asked him how was he today and he shook my hands and was literally in tears.I did not understand why he was scared but I took him and we had a long talk in the studio and I gave him some songwriting tips and we talked about girls.Fast Forward a few years and he ran circles around me on the girl is mine record and apologized for me having a hard time with getting everything on the track right

  120. I love you Michael may you rest in peace and Ms.A thank you for doing this wonderful tribute

  121. Is that THE PAUL!

  122. I think I just peed on myself

  123. Im done with you Ms.A I cant take it Im about to cry

  124. the top people paying respect to Michael is beautiful I'm crying this is wonderful congrats Ms.A and thank you for doing this!

  125. Ms.A get the fuck out of here!

  126. Man, I'm glad you guys thought my tribute was good I was here hoping I posted enough...Gosh Thank you Sir Paul Thank you so much Sr.

  127. Ms.A who are you and who do you know? You get these people to come out for you?

  128. Ms.A I want to start off by saying that this was an amazing tribute to an amazing man.You should be very proud of yourself I'am and Michael is smiling above us Im sure because you get it and respect his music.Thank you

  129. people respect Ms.A's blog she is real as hell but Ms.A today you brought out the big dogs!

  130. You know its funny that you put the video of the interview up today.That was one of the funniest moments me and Michael had.Im not the biggest fan of snakes and I told Michael if that snakes come anywhere around me and looks like it wants to touch me Im gonna pull out my pistol and shoot it.

  131. LMAO That was so funny!!!!

  132. Damn that is Quincy Jones yall

  133. Michael in his lite voice said "Oh Q just stop it dont be like that" but he knew I meant what I said.But you know what he told me that the snake is a being just like us and they deserve love and respect too.So on that day he taught me a valubale lesson in life that I have not forgotten.And that's why you see me peting the snake in the video.

  134. I just wanted to share that with you guys to show you what kind of person Michael was and how caring he was and he wished the world could be just like him and took care of other people and animals just like he wanted to.

  135. Michael cared so much about his fans so please keep him alive he will never die his music is timeless and will live forever.Thank you again Ms.A and thank you to everybody that loves him

  136. Ms.A so how are you just gonna go back to regular post on Monday? This is beautiful

  137. Im gonna always remember this day I hope you do it again next year

  138. Thank you Ms.A we just had the iceing on the cake

  139. You know what this is why I do what I do everyone that commented today put everything aside to pay tribute to Music.. Michael Jackson was music and to see so many HUGE names that don't care about 'Who they are' comment, made my whole career. thank you guys so much because if you can't love Michael Jackson you really don't love music in my opinion

  140. And Mr.Jones thank you so much for coming today and sharing that story that was beautiful Sr.

  141. That was so real Ms.A

  142. And for the person that asked who I was..I'm Rick James Bitch!

  143. LMFAO Ms.A you got em girl

  144. Ms.A you deserved to say that after this day!

  145. Ms.A your the woman of my dreams your smart and funny

  146. Will you marry me?

  147. Damn Ms.A that was perfect timing LMFAO!

  148. Damn I can't believe Quincy Jones came! I would've died to see him shoot the snake!

  149. Ms.A this was amazing today I loved it

  150. I don't think these people come to Ms.A's blog for her but what other blog could they go to to say all this? Ms.A you have one hell of a blog congrats!

  151. Ms.A what an amazing day you put together Im sure Michael is smiling.

  152. Ms.A your closing line is legendary you go girl
