This Jewel Ms. Adele...Not only is she on her way to her first number one U.S Album, with the release of her second album "21" (Which is expected to shift around 300k) but get this folks...The album is actually really amazing! Weird huh? Adele sang her ass off from number 1. "Rolling In The Deep" to what made me stop in my tracks and give a nice size "WOOOOOW" track #3 "Turning Tables". This song, which is now categorized as "My song", starts off with a beautiful piano melody that gets so good, the blade that connects from shoulder to neck might give way, when the sweet soulfulness that is Adele comes to carefully message away the beautiful pain of a piano melody aided by wild violins throughout the Chorus and Bridge. (Oh its that good folks)
Adele's voice has grown so much from her last album to now. I remember asking "how can this woman grow coming out of the box with what some might consider a classic album?" I guess she showed me... check out "Turning Tables"... beautiful!
Ms.A fucking Ms.A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHAPPY FRIDAY MS.A!!!!! were coming through baby
ReplyDeleteThis is what Im talking about good damn music good damn music
ReplyDeleteOMG Ms.A Adele's album is beautiful OMG I love her I love her
ReplyDeleteThey cant hold us down forever I love you Ms.A!
ReplyDeleteAdele 5 stars this song gives me chills and good music is here 300k damn right
ReplyDeleteWell well well its been a while huh SAU? ;) Whats up my babies!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Ms.A BABY!
ReplyDeleteMs.A OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBUH BUH BUH BUH BUH!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A hi my baby AHHHHHHHHH
ReplyDeleteMs.A hi!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A OMG your here what a beautiful song and album
ReplyDeleteMs.A favorite song on the album what is it?
ReplyDeleteLOL I guess I should start by saying Happy New year SAU...You guys missed me? Oh How I've missed you..gimmie kiss!
ReplyDeleteThis one is my favorite song by far do you hear the way her voice melts over this sandwhich? Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteLMAO I just love Ms.A MUAH Ms.A!
ReplyDeleteMs.A did you see once you made your Grammy speech everyone else wanted to talk? thats bullshit baby we were first Ms.A is the best and if anybody doubt that come se us baby SAU we here
ReplyDeleteSmooches Ms.A and SAU!
ReplyDeleteThis song is off the chain Ms.A Michael put his ass into this song WOW!!!!
ReplyDeleteAdele what an amazing piece of work
ReplyDeleteAmazing song its few and far between we get songs like this amazing
ReplyDeleteLMAO Ms.A called the song a sandwich I love it
ReplyDeleteMs.A is back its gonna be a great weekend BUH BUH BUH smoke a joint and pour some liquor.I love you Ms.A
ReplyDeleteLOL oh Lawdy...this Caleb
ReplyDeleteI'm with Caleb lets go SAU!
ReplyDeleteBlow a joint and listen to this song and the one called "One and Only" you will cry of true bliss
ReplyDeleteI love Caleb so much BUH BUH BUH
ReplyDeleteAdele's album wow
ReplyDeleteHow could the album not be amazing look at the cast they got to put it together....Rick Rubin,Michael Sanders,Mike's partner,Greg Wells,and Ryan Tedder AWESOME!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGo Adele you sound wonderful on each and every song
ReplyDeleteI couldnt listen to one and only high I couldnt that shit is deep and beautiful and this song is amazing
ReplyDeleteI think she is already 2x's platinum over seas
ReplyDeleteAmazing songs
ReplyDeleteI love SAU and Ms.A so much
ReplyDeleteThis is real music can we say welcome to the year 2011 Music industry finally something and I love it
ReplyDeleteAmazing CD and a Amazing artist
ReplyDeletethis puts the myth to rest real music does still sell Adele is selling like hot cakes
ReplyDeleteThis turned my week around Ms.A back on a Friday BUH BUH BUH.Love you Ms.A
ReplyDeleteDamn that was really sweet
ReplyDeleteI love Adele's CD she is a true talent and her CD is amazing I love it and her songs are awesome
ReplyDeleteGO ADELE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIm with her Ms.A turns anybody week around
ReplyDeleteMe too Ms.A you have something about you that makes everyone love you I love you Ms.A
ReplyDeleteAwwww!! you guys are too good to me
ReplyDeleteMs.A I love you and what a fucking record man
ReplyDeleteMs.A BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI cant wait to get home and get the CD I heard 4 songs and I love them all
ReplyDeleteMs.A your right Adele is a Jewel
ReplyDeleteMs.A great writing your getting even better
ReplyDeleteBUH BUH BUH BUH family were back finally its a new year for the industry BUH BUH BUH
ReplyDeleteMs.A your last 2 articles have been great and Adele CD is amazing
ReplyDeleteIm so happy to be back SAU were here
ReplyDeleteI hope the Grammy's dont forget about this CD you know they have selective memory sometimes because this album is a work of art
ReplyDeleteMad Scientist how many songs you got left in your mind you pulled some doozies on this one great work LOL
ReplyDeleteGreat music!!!!!!!!! Im so happy I cant wait to get off and go to the record store
ReplyDeleteBUH BUH BUH Ms.A Im so happy your back cutie
ReplyDeleteThis song is very beautiful and the piano is so pretty
ReplyDeleteBUH BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSAU BUH BUH BUH!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSAU Happy Friday my family
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday Everybody what an amazing song
ReplyDeleteKiller song Ms.Adele I love you
ReplyDeleteMs.A you are the love of my life I love you
ReplyDeleteBUH BUH BUH
ReplyDeleteOMG Caleb I listened to "Only One" and I smoked a blunt and Im so fucked up now what a beautiful song and that is some true and real shit.Fuck it and its Friday my name is Christie from Oregan and Terry I know you read this site to and Im the only one for you not her I LOVE YOU Baby and I love that song
ReplyDeleteMs.A SAU baby were here
ReplyDeleteWOW at that last comment
ReplyDeleteWHOA HORSIE! Just let it all out Christie LMAO
ReplyDeleteGreat song I love it go Ms.A you are the best by a mile they all want to be like you and afraid of the power which is SAU
ReplyDeleteWell damn I guess I need to go listen to that song
ReplyDeleteLMFAO Terry its a quarter after one Christie's all alone and she needs you now LMFAO
ReplyDeleteI'm going to listen to that damn song it must really be the shit let Christie tell it
ReplyDeleteDamn Terry millions of people know that lady miss you give her a call
ReplyDeleteI cant wait to listen to that damn song
ReplyDeleteLMFAO Caleb I love him
ReplyDeleteI need to listen to that song where is my blunt
ReplyDeleteOnly on SAU
ReplyDeleteI love SAU so much only here is where comments like that can happen Happy Friday
ReplyDeleteGo get your man girl
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday everybody! I just got her CD and I think its a great CD and I love this song
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday Ms.A is here
ReplyDeleteEveryone welcome Lamynia to SAU She's going to be working with us now :) you guys can call her Mi-mi
ReplyDeleteNew people working! WELCOME MIMI!
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday everybody
ReplyDeleteWelcome Mimi!
ReplyDeleteOH shit New staff hi mimi
ReplyDeleteHi Mimi!
ReplyDeleteHi Mimi what a pretty name
ReplyDeleteMs.A what's your real name we don't know
ReplyDeleteNew Staff a new movement baby SAU we getting stonger
ReplyDeleteHow cool is her name its a pleasure to meet you Mimi
ReplyDeletewhat is your real name Ms.A?
ReplyDeleteWere crazy Mimi just warning you but your on our team so were all together
ReplyDeleteher name is so pretty to me too GO MIMI!
ReplyDeleteNew staff this is a big development were going in stronger this year
ReplyDeleteOk Ms.Lamynia we have to break you in and since Ms.A is a musical God we got to see you flex your muscle.How many albums have the great Marvin Gaye had?
ReplyDeleteHow cool is this day I love it
ReplyDeleteMs.A is back and we got new people here
ReplyDeleteHi everybody thank you so much Im so excited to be here.Marvin had 17 albums while he was alive,2 after his death and 6 duet albums which featured the likes of the great Tammi Terrell and Diana Ross
ReplyDeleteWe here today baby SAU were in the building
ReplyDeleteDamn Ok Mimi I like you alot
ReplyDeleteDamn girl!
ReplyDeleteAlright now Mimi!
ReplyDeleteIm happy Ms.A found someone who knows music that could fill in for her but Ms.A we still want you everyday we love you and I can see it will be easy for us to fall in love with Mimi welcome to the family
ReplyDeleteshe was fast too I like her Ms.A!
ReplyDeletewe love you Mimi!
ReplyDeleteOk Ms.A you picked a good one
ReplyDeleteWhats your favorite song in the whole world Mimi?
ReplyDeleteWERK IT GIRL!!!
ReplyDeleteMimi.....She alright....Im just kidding go Ms.A you found a really good one maybe you can sleep sometimes now :)
ReplyDeleteOk Ms.A I like her
ReplyDeleteShe was very fast ok now we got a new staff forming here
ReplyDeleteI cant narrow it to just one I have 3 Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana,Hey Jude by the beetles,and Boys II Men Feat Mariah Carey One Sweet Day
ReplyDeleteMimi give us a BUH BUH BUH!!! we like you
ReplyDeleteHey what is Ms.A real name
ReplyDeleteyou guys are going to peel back the layers until you get to me huh?
ReplyDeleteSAU my real name is Asia..Hello :)
ReplyDeleteWOW thats your real name? How beautiful Ms.A!
ReplyDeleteMs.A your name is Asia!!!!!!!! How pretty I love your name I bet your so pretty
ReplyDeleteMs.A told us her name hi Asia you rock
ReplyDeleteGo Ms.A!!!!!!!!......excuse me Asia :)
ReplyDeleteHi Asia your still Ms.A to me but I fell so much closer now I love you
ReplyDeletewe'll stick to the Ms.A thing I like that better :)
ReplyDeleteI will still call her Ms.A too that feels too right but my you have a beautiful name Asia!
ReplyDeleteMs.A my name is Phylicia and I have been coming to your blog for over a year now and I love you and SAU Im 7 1/2 months pregnant and Im having a daughter and since you inspire me and I love you Ms.A and I think your name Asia is so beautiful Im gonna name my daughter Asia after you and as soon as she is born Im gonna e-mail you a picture of her what a beautiful name I love you Ms.A
ReplyDeleteAsia I love you and Lamynia you women must be hot what awesome names
ReplyDeleteAWWWWWWWW Ms.A you have your first baby named after you
ReplyDeleteAwwww that is so precious Thank you Phylicia and congrats on your pregnancy!
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwww I love SAU
ReplyDeleteMs.A you rock donkey balls I love your name
ReplyDeleteMs.A BUH BUH BUH
ReplyDeleteMs.A I bet you are so pretty
ReplyDeleteMimi never gave us a BUH BUH BUH! where you at Mimi?
ReplyDeleteGo Ms.A go SAU
ReplyDeleteMs.A you rock!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAsia how beautiful wow
ReplyDeleteIm sorry you guys BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH SAU!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCan we get a BUH BUH BUH for Ms.A's mom for the awesome name
ReplyDeleteBUH BUH BUH Mimi and BUH BUH BUH for this amazing day
ReplyDeleteWhat a freaking Friday BUH BUH BUH
ReplyDeleteLMAO BUH BUH BUH For Ms.A and Lamynia's mom!
ReplyDeleteBUH BUH BUH Momma A
ReplyDeleteLMAO Momma A! you guys are a trip
ReplyDeleteBUH BUH BUH BUH BUH Ms.A Mom we love you for her
ReplyDeleteWe love you Ms.A mom BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday go Ms.A
ReplyDeleteHey is this thing on?
ReplyDeleteHey guys anyone else is here?
ReplyDeleteHey were up OH SHIT
ReplyDeletewere here
ReplyDeleteHi Ms.A!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat the fuck i going on with the music industry oh lord it is March and nothing has happened these bastards vacation like music is a thriving business.We cant have our Ms.A until its something for her to post she cant make up the fucking news man music come on
ReplyDeleteThis is bullshit man its March what the fuck are yall doing? Are you at hoe masterbating?
ReplyDeleteR.I.P Nate Dogg
ReplyDeleteThis is bullshit I want Ms.A but you fuckers are doing nothing.NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A cant work with no news come on you labels where is the music are you guys open for business in 2011?
ReplyDeleteI agree with the last comment the industry sucks come on the movie industry does not do this
ReplyDeleteWe have a right to say what we want to sy and the labels suck.
ReplyDeleteThey want us to care about th music but the one person who cares your giving nothing to
ReplyDeleteThe only thing hat has come out this year great is Adele but we cant post on her 30 days straight come on labels
ReplyDeleteI agree BUH BUH BUH BUH
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing else coming out no new artist and Im not talking about that Rebecca Black chick real artist
ReplyDeleteReal music is dead man FUCK LABELS
ReplyDeleteI dont understand what is going on
ReplyDeleteThat Friday girl sucks
ReplyDeleteI just dont get it
ReplyDeleteIm dont know how the music industry works but its a business and Im a business owner and its a simple formula to make your business work.
ReplyDeleteGood Product+Customers= $$$$
DUH Music Labels
I dont want to hear shit about labels are broke anymore
ReplyDeleteThis is bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUH BUH BUH SAU SAU SAU SAU SAU
ReplyDeleteThe Friday song is everything wrong with music!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI hate that Friday song why is she getting so much pub? for God sake that could be Adele or someone.The industry is a spit to the face to anyone who does good music
ReplyDeleteIm looking at the ITunes top 10 and 3 songs up there are by the show glee another 3 are by Ms.A Fiance thats 6....so out of all the musiians,writers,and producers they fill up only 4 slots and those songs in those 4 slots suck
ReplyDeleteI hate the Friday song in my bones man
ReplyDeleteWhere is the good music!!!!
ReplyDeleteIn the Fiday song slot why couldnt that be promo for Kanye West All of the lights simply one of the greatest songs in the last 10 years but no one wants to acknowledge it that shit is a genius work of art man.
ReplyDeleteThe industry sucks I want Ms.A back too I miss her
ReplyDeleteBUH BUH BUH BUH BUH SAU!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Caleb and I agree
ReplyDeletePreach Caleb!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBUH BUH BUH CALEB!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLabels we still here and we see what you guys are doing were here mother fuckers someone come talk to us
ReplyDeleteSomeone come talk to us we have been quite for way to long
ReplyDeleteIts a damn shame that music has not come back yet Ms.A is sitting there waiting and I miss her but there aint shit for her to do this is bull shit
ReplyDeleteBUH BUH BUH
ReplyDeleteWhere the hell is the music Sony and Universal and any other label?
ReplyDeleteI miss my Ms.A too and this is bull shit SAU there starting to piss ous off starting with those wack ass Grammy's
ReplyDeleteThey so quick to embrace fuck shit "Friday" song but ignore classics....KANYE
ReplyDeleteMs.A needs he own label