Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kanye Continues His Journey.....

What we all saw yesterday was Kanye West performing acapella versions of many of his new songs in front of the social Internet fixture that is Facebook (HQ). Now we have footage of K. West stopping by Twitter HQ's to give them a small sample as well. Now If I must say so this is almost genius marketing and promotion for Kanye's new album (That is untitled as of now via his Twitter page). Taking your music to Twitter and posting something is one thing, but to perform for the big heads at the HQ for both Twitter and Facebook will have artists trying their best to give a promotional concert to the same social outlets pretty soon. This is what I'm talking about! Creativeness is evolution in your genre of music!...(and we all know the music indusrty needs that) Check em' out..


  1. Good Morning Ms.A how are you today?

  2. Kanye is totally re-inventing music marketing as an artist right now.Congrats to him!

  3. He is doing something really big!

  4. I think he is going to takeover social media when his album comes out its going to be unlike anything we have ever witnessed

  5. Kanye do you want to come perform for SAU?

  6. I would love to see Kanye perform on here

  7. I would love to see Kanye perform on here but how would he do it?

  8. Kanye is gonna do huge numbers I can feel it

  9. Get out of here how could he perform for SAU?

  10. Im so excited about his new project I know his beats are gonna be crazy

  11. I cant wait for his project and to see what all these intimate performances lead to

  12. Im really excited about his CD I heard he just shot the Power video too

  13. Eminem got the Summer and he has the fall what is better than that?

  14. Hey everyone how are you guys? Jessica just brought to my attention that Today is the year anniversary of SAU so not to make a big deal out of it but I just want to thank you guys and Ms.Chelsea for supporting me and dealing with my mouth. I love you guys :)

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
