To start off the show John Cena made his ring intro and entered the ring to a standing ovation. He started by thanking all of the WWE Superstars who "finally" helped him against Nexus last week. He said he looked back at what happened it was a missing something a white flash with red hair.
Sheamus never showed up and he went on to say Sheamus will realize some day that they need to fight the Nexus as a group. "We're all in this together," he said and 'next Monday he will wake up and find out he just lost the WWE Championship.' He said on Sunday he will have to prove he's good. There will be no rainbows, no pot of gold, no four-leaf clovers, "and I promise you the only Lucky Charms will be the sweet delicious cereal that I eat for breakfast. John went on to talk about how the cage is great because there's nowhere for him to run and no one can interfere. He said he can say confidently that on Sunday "the Champ will be here!"
As grueling as his cage match will be on Sunday, it's his easiest match of the week because he's in a six-on-one match later on this show. He said last Monday Darren Young ran into him and he won't be able to compete this week as a result. The Nexus crew walked onto the stage...... Wade Barrett said they'll wait until later to attack him because it'd be too easy to do it now. That he brought this all on himself , he's a hot-head and he's too short-sighted to see that the Nexus stands for a much larger picture. He said he disrespected the G.M., and for that, tonight, he's going to get exactly what he deserves. Cena said he deserves to knock his teeth down his throat. The mystery G.M. email chime sounded.
Michael Cole asked for everyone's attention. He read: "Mr. Cena, based upon your blatant disregard for my instructions last week, if any Superstar gets involved in any conceivable way in tonight's handicapped match, they will be suspended for 90 days." The crowd interrupted with several "Whats." He also ruled that the Nexus must tag in and out tonight and if they don't abide by it, they will be suspended as well. Cena shouted, "Finally, Internet justice." Barrett said they're fine with that because he'll be in the ring all alone. Cena said he may be brought down by them tonight, but if so, he's taken a few of them with him.
Cole and Lawler plugged the Tag Team Title match with the two teams in this match on Sunday. As the match started Jason Kidd was on an offensive flurry until Tamina interfered to cost Kidd his early advantage. Natalya hit Tamina with a surprise spear with a flurry of punches as they both fell out the ring and brawled at ringside as Jey and Jimmy double-teamed David Hart Smith leading to a big top rope splash by Jey for the win.

Cole and Lawler said whatever these two do to each other in this match will pale compared to what they do to each other and others on Sunday in the MITB match. Early in the match Edge set up a punt kick on Orton, but Orton avoided it and snapped Edge to the mat with a powerslam out of nowhere. Edge threw Orton to the floor a minute later right before they cut to break. After the break Orton took over with two clotheslines and another snap powerslam. Edge countered a second rope DDT by Orton with his implant DDT for a two count. Edge charged at Orton for a spear, but Orton met him with a kick. It was an awkward exchange, with Orton a bit late with the kick and Edge having to stop and wait briefly for it. Edge blocked Orton's RKO attempt. Orton leapfrogged Edge as he charged and then schoolboyed him. Cole turned up the volume and the crowd was popping for it all. Orton gave Edge a backbreaker and then pounded the mat. Then Jericho walked to ringside and threw his jacket into the ring. Edge then slammed a distracted Orton backward to the mat and leverage pinned him for a three count. Jericho gave Edge a Code Breaker Orton gave Jericho an RKO. Evan Bourne ran out and spin wheel kicked Orton and then set up Air Bourne from more than half way across the ring. Orton, though, countered with an RKO
This is why SAU and WWE Universe, Evan Bourne will be the breakout star of 2010 the mid air RKO counter is the coolest move I have seen in 2 years I actually got excited like I was watching a football game. OUTSTANDING JOB EVAN AND RANDY!
Henry overpowered Henry early. He pressed Miz into the air and dropped him face-down on the mat. Miz rolled to ringside. Henry threw him into the ring apron. Miz ducked a charging Henry, who went head-first into the G.M. podium structure that Cole stands on to read the emails. Miz then threw a blue plastic box on him and a bunch of garbage. Lawler said it was adding insult to injury. Miz stood around looking serious, because that's his new thing - show a serious, vicious side to his previously good-for-a-few-laughs persona.
JOHN CENA vs. THE NEXUS (Wade Barrett & Skip Sheffield & David Otunga & Heath Slater & Michael Tarver & Justin Gabriel)
Cole reviewed the two special rules the G.M. instituted for the match. Cena began against Carver. Cena successfully fended off Tarver and Gabriel. Then Sheffield entered. They had a collar-and-elbow lock-up stalemate. The Nexus dropped to the floor all at once to have a conference. Nexus surrounded the ring and then Slater hit Cena from behind with a cheap shot. Nexus methodically tagged in and out and took turns beating on Cena. Lawler made it seem hopeless for Cena. Cena hit Otunga with a back suplex. Barrett tagged in. Cena showed signs of life, but Barrett hit Cena with a big boot. Cena fired back with shoulder tackles and a slam to set up You Can't See Me. Cena taunted the five Nexus members on the ring apron.

Cena dropped a fist on Barrett's head. Barrett staggered into his corner, but then walked into Cena's arms for an FU. Sheffield interfered, but the ref ruled that Sheffield actually snuck in a tag. Sheffield then nailed Cena with a clothesline. Otunga tagged in and slammed Cena, then tagged in Gabriel. He dragged Cena into the corner and set up his 450 splash. He landed it spot on and scored the pin.
Post Match
After the bell Cena escaped a post-match attack and hit Slater in the back with a chair. Nexus regrouped at ringside. Nexus surrounded Cena again. Out ran Sheamus with a chair. He swung it wildly and lost his grip. He retrieved it from ringside and then helped Cena clear the ringside area of Nexus. "Those two men together tonight, enemies on Sunday," said Cole as the show faded to black.
That mid air catch was AMAZING!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteRyan I was so excited for that move I dropped my pizza man that was awesome
ReplyDeleteEvan is the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat show WWE great show
ReplyDeleteIm actually excited about the ppv this week I think Im going to order it
ReplyDeleteRyan what do you think is the ppv an order?
ReplyDeleteIm getting tired of michael cole and that damn podium
ReplyDeleteWhat is Mark Henry's purpose?
ReplyDeleteI wish he could get used other than a jobber type roll
ReplyDeleteThe RKO in mid air is the highlight of the year
ReplyDeleteFor anybody who is a wrestling fan this ppv is a must bye in my opinion.The storylines are ok no big story really but its alot of great wrestling matches thats gonna take place.I have not ordered the last couple of them but this is the best ppv since Wrestlemania I think
ReplyDeleteGreat setup for Summerslam I think the WWE might pull off 2 really good ppv's in a row
ReplyDeleteIm not the biggest wrestling fan but that mid air catch was hot
ReplyDeleteHi Mr.Ryan Im not a wrestling fan but I saw mama Brady kissing this beautiful man on CNN on the wrestling show.Who is he?
ReplyDeleteGreat show I will be buying the PPV for sure
ReplyDeleteIm a huge fan of ladder matches so I think this one will be good
ReplyDeleteRyan do you think Sheamus will keep the belt or will Cena win?
ReplyDeleteI think I want Sheamus to keep it
ReplyDeleteLOL the guy in question Ms.Lindsey is the great Khali he is from India
ReplyDeleteI think the intentions were for Sheamus to keep it because Tripple H was supposed to return for Summer Slam.But late last week Tripple H doctor told him that he needed to have surgery on his bicep and that it was not healing on its own like it should have been.If Tripple H was coming back Im sure Vince would have kept the title on Sheamus for him and tripple h to feud.But with Tripple H being out about 6 more months I think Cena will win the title
ReplyDeleteDamn I thought HHH was hurt all of this time is that true Ryan?
ReplyDeleteI know she is a big girl but do any of yall think Tamina is hot?
ReplyDeleteLast night was a great show and really good build up to the ppv I think I might get it
ReplyDeleteThe mid air RKO made it to sportscenter top 10 last night.Evan is a star and its about time
ReplyDeleteI dont want to see Cena as champ he neds a break right now and Randy Orton.
ReplyDeleteTamina is very hot
ReplyDeleteGreat job Ryan!
ReplyDeleteI think I might order the PPV
ReplyDeleteRyan knows his shit GO RYAN!
ReplyDeleteEvan is about to be huge I can see it now
ReplyDeleteHey Ms.A have not talked you in awhile how are you?
ReplyDeleteRyan what do you think about the WWE taking Jim Ross voice off the intro I was very insulted about that last night
ReplyDeleteI noticed that last night aswell I think there fued is gonna come to ahead
ReplyDeleteI cant believe that Evan is getting big so quickly
ReplyDeleteRyan do you think the Uso's will take the tag titles?
ReplyDeleteRyan where is C.M Punk and Serena? did the WWE stop the S.E.S angle?
ReplyDeleteIts going to be interesting to see how Sheamus and Cena act next week
ReplyDeleteRyan great job man
ReplyDeleteRaw was great last night seeing the amazing move by Evan was almost breath taking
ReplyDeleteI think I might order the ppv Im interested
ReplyDeleteI think Tamina is hot
ReplyDeleteSorry it took me so long you guys I had to gather some information for you
ReplyDeleteThank you Ms.A Im happy your pleased
ReplyDeleteI do not think the Uso's will win the titles this PPV there doing a great job but the need the build up a little more
ReplyDeleteThe WWE have not gave up the S.E.S Punk is hurt right now its not an angle he is really hurt.So without him the angle does not work because he is the leader and the promo cutter.SES will be back soon
ReplyDeleteWho was that playing Doing the clown Ryan?
ReplyDeleteHey WWE Universe how are you? I'm trying to see how Ryan can handle doing his thing on here....He's doing an awesome job right? I'm so proud of you Ryan
ReplyDeleteThe situation with Jim Ross is a hard one ever since he was taken off of TV for medical reasons he has not been able to get back on.That's what Jim Ross wanted to do he loves being on TV and commentating.When Vince told him he cant get back on they went into a new direction (Michael Cole)he has felt slighted by the company.After months of ugly negotiations Jim finally decided to be a scout for the WWE.But the ego of Jim wouldnt let him just sit quietly so Vince him has been playing mind games with each other for the last couple of month's
ReplyDeleteHe is doing a great job!
ReplyDeleteWe love him!
ReplyDeleteA couple of example of things Ross has been doing each other are.Vince invited him to wrestlemania and Ross was there but Vince not once all day went to see him backstage.Im sure Vince was extremely busy that day but...... So Jim goes and take a twit pic with Dixe Carter (The CEO of TNA) at a private dinner they were having.Than Jim shows up ringside at UFC 116 sittinng next to Stone Cold and photoed out at dinner with the Rock.Some of you may ask what's the problem is and the issue WWE's true competitor is not TNA and never will be.But UFC is there true competition so Vince did not like seeing him in Vegas fot that event
ReplyDeleteGO JIM ROSS!
ReplyDeleteThe latest thing that happened was last week Paul Heyman the creative director announced that he made an offer to Jim Ross that he could not refuse to come to TNA and help build it into a power house.So in response Vince takes his voice off of the opening intro
ReplyDeleteTo me this is a clash of 2 massive egos and its gonna come to a boiling point soon because Im sure Jim is pissed right now that his voice has been taken off.
ReplyDeleteI personally think that Jim should pack his bags and head to UFC as an announcer or an executive.I have heard rumors of them offering him both jobs I think that would be good for him he is a huge MMA fan.He has to leave the WWE as much as I hate to say it he is the Godfather of modern day wrestling to me Vince wouldnt be shit with out him he is so much more than just a commentator .Its a shame that there relationship has come to this
ReplyDeleteRyan I dont get one thing you said why is UFC WWE comp?
ReplyDeleteI think UFC is the WWE competition aswell TNA is not to much to talk about TNA is next!
ReplyDeleteI love UFC I get it Ryan thats the only sport thats not a "Sport" making real noise other than the WWE
ReplyDeleteUFC is coming into its own I love it now
ReplyDeleteI wish Jim and Vince could get along Jim is the man
ReplyDeleteDoink the Clown was just a local wrestler who was getting a tryout
ReplyDeleteUFC is there competition because most folks who like wrestling like UFC and vice versa.So in this economy and you dont want $100 extra dollars added on your cable bil by ordering both you have to make a decision am I going to order UFC this month or WWE?
ReplyDeleteThis month I think UFC will win out in the PPV buys because they had a huge event with the return of Brock Lesner.But next month WWE will eat them up I think
ReplyDeleteTNA is not in that competition because WWE beats them everytime so good example Ryan. Ryan your good!
ReplyDeleteWOW very good example Ryan
ReplyDeleteBravo Ryan great write up I think your doing a great job and with answering the questions.Great Job