'15 Steps' is a song that was from Radiohead's seventh studio Album, Produced by Nigel Godrich. On the opening track, the band enlisted the help of a group of children from the Matrix Music School & Arts Centre in Oxford. Colin Greenwood and Godrich originally set out to record hand claps for the song, but when the clapping proved "not quite good enough", they decided to record the children cheering instead...."15 Step" was written in the rarely used 5/4 time signature (Hence why it seems so hard to catch it to the normal ear). The most well-known example of a song written in a 5/4 meter is "Take Five" by The Dave Brubeck Quartet...
This song is like a Roller coaster horror ride, that you just can't get enough of. Not knowing whats going to happen or when its going to happen it the thrill of the song along with the rawness of the performance the nonchalantness of lead singer Thom Yorke's vocals, this came together as a true masterpiece...
There an amazing band and this song is very unique
ReplyDeleteI have never heard anything like this before
ReplyDeleteThis is a masterpeice
ReplyDeleteThe drum patterns and the vocals are unlike anything I have ever heard
ReplyDeleteI cant believe you came back on here Nicki!!!!! Thank you
ReplyDeleteWe wont bother you......you got a home here
ReplyDeleteThis song is like a roller coaster I have never heard anything like it but I love it.
ReplyDeleteI guess we see who the realest chick of them all is thanks for not leaving Ms.Onika
ReplyDeletePlease don't start that crazy shit on a beautiful worth post like this that would be so disrespectful
ReplyDeleteDon't start that on this post SAU this is not about her this is about Radiohead!
ReplyDeleteAmazing song the best of the 2000's in my opinion
ReplyDeleteThe drums are sick
ReplyDeleteI have never heard anything like this before in any genre I like it but its not an easy song to listen to I think
ReplyDeleteYou guys leave the woman alone she has not brought any attention to herself she talked about the post so thats what we should do to.Were lucky she came back but Im sure she wont if you guys point her out everyday chill out.She just want to comment on good music like the rest of us she has a right to do that.Chill out and let her be
ReplyDeleteI wonder if this song won a Grammy it should have
ReplyDelete15 steps had me thinking how to catch the beat forever!
ReplyDeleteWhoever had the job of mixing this I dont envy them I would have lost my mind
ReplyDeletePerfectly put Thomas just go on and have our normal discussions thats what were all here for
ReplyDeleteThis song FUCKING ROCKS!
ReplyDeleteI love this song its very good
ReplyDeleteThe last thing a person who gets noticed alot wants is to be put out there and made umcomfortable when there not trying to be noticed.She respected the post about radio head we need to do it aswell.Come on SAU were use to celebs coming let this be a home for them.Not a hey its you session everytime.There real people to and if they want to talk among us let them.Atleast we get to privilage to see what artist really appreciate good music.
ReplyDeleteAmazing record I love it Ms.A it is very different
ReplyDeleteWhy does everyone keep talking about her? Shut the Fuck up! TALK ABOUT RADIO HEAD
ReplyDeleteLMFAO at the last comment there mad but I agree
ReplyDeleteThis song was nominated for a few Grammy's a couple of years ago but I dont know if they won.It should have its very different I love when different eclectic songs like these come around
ReplyDeleteHis vocals are crazy on this record they put out the best 2 CD's last decade to me because Kid A was something very special
ReplyDeleteAmazing song!
ReplyDeleteKid A was my shit!
ReplyDeleteThis is some good shit
ReplyDeleteI love Radiohead they dont get enough credit to me
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love Radio head they are one of the best bands
ReplyDeleteThis song is still amazing to me this day
ReplyDeleteIt is very difficult to write a song on the 5/4 time sig very difficult only true talented songwriters can do that.Not the so called "best in the world"
ReplyDeleteThis is a very amazing song
ReplyDeleteMichael next time when your in L.A please stop by and lecture me on how you came up with those insane ass drum patterns.I have been in amazement since I first heard this song