Tuesday, July 6, 2010

WWE Recap By Ryan....

Last Night's Raw opened cold in the arena with the Nexus 7, including Wade Barrett, assembled in the ring. Barrett raised the mic to his mouth, which drew boos. He paused before beginning with a promo that their attacks on Mr. McMahon, John Cena, etc. are all part of a "bigger picture." Barrett said McMahon thought he controlled them, but that is not the case. He said things changed very, very quickly and just like the audience, he had no idea what their agenda is. After a quick promo from Skip Shefield about the attack on Ricky the Steamboat and how he should thank the Nexus 7 because his DVD's sales are through the roof. Suddenly, the MacBook buzzed and the lights flickered in the arena. On cue, Michael Cole approached the podium to read an email from the Raw GM. Cole said the GM has decided on his punishment for Nexus. Per the GM, "none of the Nexus can compete for a WWE Title until further notice." And furthermore, the ruling of Nexus not being able to touch WWE Stars, and vice versa, has been lifted. Lawler whispered it could be open season on Nexus.

Cue up John Cena's theme music for the interruption. Cena slowly walked out on stage with a mic and said one thing the Nexus has failed at has been getting into a fair fight which Cena said his math is seven-on-seven. Nexus readied in the ring, then Randy Orton, Truth, Evan Bourne, Hart Dynasty, and John Morrison walked up behind Cena. They marched to the ring, then the Raw heels suddenly jumped the babyfaces from behind. The feuding babyfaces and heels went after each other as Nexus took off to avoid an attack. Cena put an exclamation mark on things by dropping one of the Usos with an Attitude Adjustment.

Sheamus, as the heels retreated, said Cena doesn't get it. Cena said they're crazy because they had Nexus prime for a beating. Sheamus said all of the heels support Nexus taking out Cena and Bret Hart, no matter what their agenda is. Sheamus said Cena asked him last week to join him in the fight against Nexus. Sheamus said him and everyone else "respectfully decline." Sheamus said if Cena's friends have any brains, they will too.

Randy Orton took the mic from Cena and said he and Cena aren't friends and probably never will be. "Unless, we have to," Orton said. Orton said Nexus is a serious threat to each and every one of them. He asked Edge what's wrong with him. After all, they jumped them at the Fatal Four-Way PPV. Orton said if they can't take out Nexus by themselves, then they should continue the seven-on-seven.

Cue up the MacBook and the lights flickering for yet another interruption. Cole said the GM wants no fighting tonight. He read that the GM has booked all eight MITB competitors in a series of matches. Also, Cena will be in the ring tonight against Wade Barrett. But, it's not going to be a match. The GM wants Cena and Barrett to shake hands and call a truce. Cena said they all know the anonymous Raw GM is watching, so Mr. Anonymous GM, instead of shaking hands with Barrett for a truce, he make a fist and knock Barrett's teeth out. "Does that work?" Cena asked. And the MacBook speaks. Cole read that the GM wants Cena to be the bigger man and Cena will do the right thing. Or else, his actions will be met with "appropriate consequences." Cole suddenly paused. "And that's the bottom line cause the Raw GM said," he said. Well, that's either a huge clue or a huge red herring to say the least!


DiBiase worked over Morrison early on. Maryse said she and DiBiase love each other and her love of money is just a coincidence. She said they have an economic stimulus plan to employ people to drive their limo, polish their jewelry, etc. Morrison made a comeback at 2:00 and hit a spinning heel kick for a two count. Maryse suddenly had a phone call as DiBiase hit a powerslam for a two count. Morrison then came back with an enziguiri kick as Maryse hung up and left the announce table. She grabbed Morrison's fur coat and teased Morrison with it while DiBiase used the distraction to hit a thumb to the eye. DiBiase followed with Dream Street for the pin and the win.


After commercial break R-Truth was already in the ring after completing his rap. Truth asked Nashville what's up. Truth's music hit again and The Miz came out mocking Truth's rap again with a plug for the MITB PPV. It comes across as something Cena would have done when he was starting to get over as a heel doing the raps. It's not main event level. Miz then did his own line about being Awesome before smashing Truth in the head with the mic. Miz knocked Truth to the outside and pounded on Truth's arm before selling that he was trying to break Truth's hand and separate his shoulder.

After Miz's big injury spot, medics and refs checked on Truth as Miz sat quietly on the ring apron watching Truth be escorted away. Miz did a more main event level heel promo asking Truth if it hurts right now. He said he's going to make it hurt for anyone who steps in the ring with him. Miz quietly said he's The Miz and he's awesome.

As the second hour began Edge came out for his cutting Edge segment, Edge started with a mock moment of silence for R-Truth. "He only knew one song, but he did it oh so well," Edge said. He referenced the opening segment when Randy Orton reminded him Nexus took both of them out at Fatal Four-Way. Edge said he's decided to make allies rather than enemies. Edge said he's willing to provide leadership and direction for Nexus so he can make allies with them. He predicted another victory in MITB, then introduced his first guest on Cutting Edge tonight, Evan Bourne.

Instead, Chris Jericho's music hit to bring out Jericho. The WrestleMania 26 opponents stared down each other as Jericho said he doesn't take a back seat to Bourne, the hypocrites, or Edge. Jericho said he knows what Edge is doing out here pandering to Nexus so they won't attack him. Jericho said his NXT Rookie was Wade Barrett, so he would like to think all of the chaos caused by Nexus was due to his influence. Jericho smiled and said they took it to the point of destroying Ricky Steamboat "just like I did at WrestleMania last year." He said

Edge asked Jericho why they would listen to a guy who barely beat Evan Bourne two weeks ago. Jericho shot back that they shouldn't listen to a guy who lost to him at WrestleMania. Edge said his mind wasn't clear at WrestleMania because he was too concerned with what the people thought about him. Edge said the fun begins in two weeks because he owns MITB. Edge said he might even cash in his briefcase after the WWE Title match inside a steel cage. Jericho cut him off and said he is the most valuable performer in WWE and he can't be replaced despite Edge's attempts to copy him throughout his WWE career. Jericho said he will win MITB and become WWE champ again.

Edge cut off Edge with a gut shot, then pounded him into the corner. Jericho then dropped Edge center ring and teased the Walls of Jericho center ring. Suddenly, Evan Bourne ran to the ring and dropped Jericho with a springboard double knee smash. Edge and Jericho then tried to chase down Bourne, who scampered out of the ring. Suddenly, the lights flickered and the MacBook made a noise. Cole then went to the podium and read an email from the GM. He said the GM wants to know if the audience wants to see some action, then give him a hell yeah. Cole announced the GM's next booking decision: Edge and Jericho vs. Bourne and...Randy Orton. As I expected last week, the St. Louis Connection is official. Cue up Orton's theme music to bring out Orton to stand next to Bourne. Orton and Bourne then hit the ring as Jericho and Edge bailed.They cut to commercial break

But I have to ask you WWE Universe with the Raw GM dropping these huge hints dont you think the commentating team should have said something to build the suspense up? They said nothing about this possible huge item drop.They acted like the GM might not be Stone Cold or it does not matter.If it is Stone Cold that would be huge WWE Universe

Back from break, Bourne was crying out in pain as Edge worked him over on the mat. Jericho then tagged in and worked over Bourne. Bourne broke free, then teased a tag to Orton, but Edge cut him off. He tried to follow with a suplex, but Bourne hit a knee to the head to escape and follow with a kick strike to the head. Bourne then crawled across the ring to Orton to make a hot tag. Jericho also tagged in after slightly hesitating. Orton attacked Jericho, then dropped him with the trademark spike DDT from the second rope. Orton then teased the RKO as the crowd screamed with Edge sneaking in behind Orton. Orton flung him away, but then walked into an enziguiri from Jericho. And the crowd goes quiet.

Edge and Jericho started working over Orton, with Edge focusing on Orton's injured shoulder. Orton started to fight out of the heel corner before Jericho landed a dropkick to the jaw for a close two count. Jericho tried a Lionsault, but Orton moved out of the way and Jericho ate the mat. Jericho crawled over to his corner and made a tag after Edge sold hesitation to tag in. Bourne also tagged in for Orton and landed high-flying, high-impact offense on Edge. Edge then cut off Bourne with a kick to the face. Edge went to the heel corner to tag in Jericho, who yelled at Edge to listen to him. Jericho then walked into a kick to the face from Bourne. Edge, not pleased with Jericho trying to give him instructions, got the big eyes and smashed Jericho with the spear in the corner. Edge took off to the back as Bourne then slowly gathered himself and climbed up top. Bourne came off the top with the Air Bourne to a big pop and followed with a cover on Jericho for the pin and the win


The Nexus music hit to bring out Wade Barrett to the ring for the "truce" with John Cena. Barrett began his promo saying everything they've done has had a purpose and it's unfortunate John Cena has been caught in the middle of everything. He asked Cena to come out and shake hands like men. Cena's music hit and he slowly walked out on-stage checking around the arena to make sure he wouldn't be jumped on the way to the ring.

Cena entered the ring and Barrett said they have caused him a lot of harm, including the WWE Title. Barrett said he is not in their future plans for beatings, though. Barrett said he wants to put everything behind them and move on to the future. He said the Nexus 7 are going to be here for a long, long time, so it can be easy or hard for Cena. "The choice is yours," Barrett told him. Cena cautiously looked around before asking Barrett that if they shake hands right now, then no more attacks, no more chaos? Cena said he needs Barrett's word. Cena rolled the mic around in his hands before extending his hand. Barrett went to shake, but Cena yanked his hand away

Cena smiled and said they have a little bit in common looking ahead to the future. He did one of his sarcastic babyface promos, including a magic eight-ball. He told Barrett to take his truces, his short-term plans, his long-term plans, crumple them up and shove them up his Nexus. Cena said the future is him taking Barrett down along with the entire Nexus. He said he'll do it himself, with help, or by any means necessary to go through every single one of them. "That's the future. You've got my word on it," he said.

Cena started to leave the ring before Barrett told Cena what they've done to him in the past is nothing compared to what they can do to him in the future. Barrett said it's not about Cena. He said they took out Bret Hart and Mr. McMahon. He warned Cena he'll face some very severe consequences unless he shakes his hand. Cena stared at Barrett's extended hand and shook, then he pulled Barrett close and teased the Attitude Adjustment. Suddenly, Nexus hit the ring and beat down Cena before Evan Bourne tried to make the save. The parade of babyfaces hit the ring until Mark henry's music hit to bring out Henry and the rest of the mid-card Raw babyfaces.

Chaos erupted in the ring with the Raw babyfaces taking control of the action to clear Nexus from the ring. Darren Young was left alone in the ring as the rest of Nexus retreated to the stage. Suddenly, the MacBook buzzed. Cole went to the podium and read what the GM said: "I wanted peace. If things don't stop now, there will be consequences." Cole paused as Cena grappled Young and slapped on an STF center ring. Cena squeezed it on tight as Young tried to fight the hold. Suddenly, the MacBook buzzed again. Cole said in a direct message to Cena that because of his actions, he will now face all members of the Nexus next week in a seven-on-one handicap match next week.

Cena held his head in frustration and concern. Meanwhile, Young, who didn't tap out to the STF, tried to crawl away, only to have Cena grab him, kick him, stomp him, and punch him. Cena landed a big clothesline before staring down in the corner. Nexus and the Raw babyfaces were gone at this point. The crowd was hot with a "Cena, Cena" chant as Cena stared down at Young. Cena toyed with Young a bit before chucking him into the ringpost. Young sold on the outside as Cena huffed and puffed inside the ring selling anger and determination. Cena then left the ring and grabbed the ring steps. Cena did a big dead lift and chucked the ring steps into Young, who put up his hands to block.

Cena did a big "I'm going to rip someone's head off" facial expression before running Young over the announce table. Cena then pushed the table over Young and ran back into the ring to celebrate with the crowd. Cena did a big "The Game" pose with veins bulging out of his head. He put up six fingers for the hard camera (since he "eliminated" Young) before celebrating in the ring and closing the show with a pose.....WWE Universe How was the Show?


  1. Great Raw last night there's so much anticipation in the air

  2. Do you guys think Stone Cold is gonna come back?

  3. The wrestling God's might have answered my prayers if Stone Cold comes back

  4. Ryan you killed this write up my man

  5. Maryse looked great last night she is the baddest diva on the roster

  6. Without the Jim Ross the commentators aint shit! they should have played the Austin angle up

  7. That alone makes me think Austin is not coming there just screwing with us

  8. Im so happy to see Wade back they couldnt lose him and Daniel both

  9. Ryan any news about Daniel's future?

  10. Great recap Ryan

  11. Cena looked like a mad man last night!

  12. I heard that Young was injured last night in the last segment is there any truth to that Ryan

  13. The tease of Stone Cold was an amazing angle but the commentators didnt play it up

  14. They might be on to something

  15. Darren Young was injured last night Cena took the angle a little to far.The injuries are not that serious but he will be limited this week and might not see much in ring action in the next week on Raw

  16. Daniel is currently still working the indie circuit but Im hearing that he will be back in the WWE by the fall

  17. Danie has been booked for his 3rd Dragon Gate USA show he will be headlining in Milwaukee on September 26th and in Chicago on September 25th

  18. I hope its more than a tease because I heard that it might be that guy Abraham Washington who will be the GM

  19. Abraham Washington as the GM? I will stop watching Raw the day that happens I would hate that

  20. Michael Cole should have done a much better job than what he did last night Im so tired of seeing him going up to that podium and they didnt play on the hints last night.....They did a lousy job

  21. Maryse looked stunning last night I agree she is a bad lady

  22. Great Write Up Ryan and thanks for the info on Daniel

  23. All the lousy Divas get on my nerve they all should just leave including Maryse

  24. The divas are terrible I was watching the title match last night and thinking that if Eve and Alicia stood in a line up of all the divas I couldnt pick them to out.Its like so what they all look alike and suck

  25. Great show last night I really enjoyed it now I just have to cross my fingers and hope Stone Cold will come out one day

  26. I cant lie Im on the edge of my seat with that angle

  27. Im tired of people hating on the diva's Maryse is the best one and the best looking.Some of the girls need to go but they have a few good ones

  28. The girls for the most part sucks and the girls that re good dont get a push

  29. Great show last night Im on the edge of my seat

  30. Ryan is Stone Cold the new GM? do you know or is that a tease to keep us holding on

  31. Ryan great review man your getting better every week

  32. Do you know if Austin will come for real Ryan?

  33. Im so happy Evan is getting a really good push right now

  34. Randy needs to turn back heel

  35. Amazing job Ryan!

  36. Im not sure if Austin will be the GM all I can do is hope I dont have the connects to get that info Im sorry guys

  37. Maybe Greg or Steven can help us out and give us some news on that

  38. Great show last night

  39. I hope that Stone Cold comes back

  40. Im glad Wade is back he could not have been gone for another week

  41. Great show last night

  42. I think they need to spice up the Nexus a little Im getting bored with it.But the hope of Stone Cold coming is killing me I hope they dont let me down

  43. Maryse is hot dont hate on her

  44. Ryan why did they write R-Truth off of TV like that he was just heating up

  45. Ryan I wish I had some news on Austin comeback but I dont I have been working the wires all day long but nothing yet WWE is keeping this highly top secret

  46. I will keep working the lines to try to get info

  47. Thanks for the help Greg Im searching myself still I really hope Stone Cold comes back

  48. From what Im hearing R-Truth will not be out long I think it will be a quick break but most importantly there gonna build the angle with him and the miz

  49. Great Job Ryan Your doing awesome!

  50. Awwww how cool is that great job Ryan amazing write up
