Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Nicki Minaj Talks New Single "Your Love"....

First Thing's first..Congrats are definitely in order for Ms.Minaj being that she became the first solo female hip-hop artist in more than eight 1/2 years to score a #1 record on Billboard’s rap chart. That's 8 years that no other female rapper has done what she has done...Give it to the girl noone else did it. Congrats Nicki!

Now on to this 'Your Love' Single not my flavor of the month, but hey someone likes it so she better work it like its the best thing since Lil wayne's 'Lollipop'.. Nicki I'm happy for you :)


  1. Go Nicki Im rooting for her

  2. I still dont know who she is as an artist but Im trying to get it and the song is growing on me

  3. I like the song a little but I had no idea it was about to be #1

  4. I cant stand that fake ass hoe her entire body to the skills she put on the Mic are fake

  5. You bloggers need to stop spreading her fake ass around and put up real women Mc's

  6. There so many better female MC's that can get this spotlight other than her

  7. Yall hating on Nicki so hard its wrong she is doing her thing the song is not good but she is doing it

  8. If it was so many MC's that could get into the spotlight yall would be in it right now its a damn shame all the females do is hate

  9. All they do is hate on the woman I dont like the song but its obvious a whole lot of people do like it if its #1......There's new Eminem and Drake records out but she gets the #1 Rap song give the girl her props she is working for it

  10. first off 'You bloggers' are just giving love where its due who else has something out now with a female MC thats making any noise? I'm a fan of Eve, Kim, foxy, lyte, brat, Missy, monie love, Remy ma, and I can keep going so don't play me like I don't know my shit I'm just giving the girl her credit.

  11. Now I still dont get who she is trying to be but Im sure that will come.But Im a fan of some of her material so let her have it she has earned it

  12. I agree Ms.A give the girl her credit she is number one and no other rappers are

  13. You female rappers keep on talking about her and that makes her bigger and bigger you are crazy

  14. You other female aint doing shit to get on right now rather yall like it are not Nicki is carrying all of you bitches on her back!..... If there was no Nicki than would any of the other woman be making noise.......Do I hear the sound of crickets other lady Mc's?

  15. Go Nicki you keep doing your damn THING!

  16. You other Mc's need to figure out how to shut the fuck up and piggy back off of Nicki!

  17. Here's my question if lets say a new female rapper MC Fe fee (for the sake of argument) came out tomorrow and scored a number one hit, wouldn't it be the same shit again with she's not good enough or she's garbage? YES it would and thats just because she's a female trying to get on I don't understand when the cycle of hate is going to end. You all have to go through the same things regarding actually getting in the industry so knowing how hard it is to break in where is the love?

  18. I think if another female MC came out Ms.A would give them love regardless

  19. But if Fe fee is a real ass bitch than she would get the respect and love from the greats before her

  20. So E if your saying that the girl has no skills then just say that Why does she have to be a hoe and a bitch?

  21. Nicki is a made up toy in somebody's head the pics from the vibe outtakes in 2008 show the entire story

  22. We dont know if the chick is prissy,hood,wanna be fab or what!? What the hell is she does she even know?

  23. Ms.A and its no disrespect to you because I love your blog but if she is a made up toy in some white man's mind than how does she deserve to be on? The lady's you said yourself in a couple of comments above are some real ass bitches and we dont have to question them am I right?

  24. I agree with Ms.A Nicki got skills no matter what she looks like

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Go Nicki!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats girl I love your song

  27. As entertaining and stimulating that this debate is I have a question......Who the hell in the music industry is not a puppet made up in a white man's mind?

  28. E I understand what your talking about and thank you for loving my blog but lets say you were a female MC and another female came to you asking you about her skills...If in your heart you knew she was garbage on whatever level would you step to her and say 'Bitch you can't rap with your wack ass'? Its all in the way you say what you say everyone deserves respect on some level.

  29. in some form right Andre? I totally agree

  30. I can count on one hand the number of mainstream artist that are not puppets and made up "toys" as you put it E! To the musician and to the people on this blog and music lovers all around the world its about the music and only the music and thats all that matters.Thats how it should be and I personally feel that way

  31. But we are so quick to call Nicki Minaj a bitch and a hoe when you just said yourself E, that we don't know who she if you did personally then it would be ok to call her names but you just said you don't know her

  32. But lets keep it real this is all about money the only reason a mainstream artist like Nicki Minaj,or Drake,Beyonce and it does not stop with the black folks a Katty Perry,Kesha,and especially Lady Gaga all are ideas that someone thought of when they saw that person.They supply the talent the white man supplies the ideas to make these people who they are as an artis

  33. Go Ms.A!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Damn Ms.A you better Preach! E you had a valid point but everyone is made up from the white man's hand only indie artists can actually think of who they want to be and become it. Everyone else is made up

  35. I agree Andre so when you bring the white man in this that goes for every artist that are mainstream but its wrong to keep callin her names for no reason

  36. This is a very stimulating convo

  37. If anybody has time take sometime to find Katy Perry,Gaga,and Kesha before they got signed to major deals.Katy Pery is not supposed to be singing about California Girls right now she is doing what she has to do because "some white man" told her to do that E and there making a shit load of money

  38. Kesha was a country singer before someone got ahold of her

  39. Ms.A you make great points but how can those greats respect her when she is so fake.None of the greats you mentioned went to get a phat ass and fake titties to run around and try to get on

  40. making a boat load of doe

  41. I have met Nicki a couple of times but she comes off as very intelligent and there's nothing wrong with that! but a couple of years ago she had a video out where she was whining that Remy Ma wouldnt call her back because she was in love with her and Nicki was acting as hood as she could be.But now you want to act like your smart? Im just saying what are you Nicki and how can you be believed.To further my point she now in videos doing the fashion and flashy shit but you supposed to be hood? and to top it off you talking about how she kept her face in Remy Ma puss but now your not a bi-sexual woman!

  42. E makes some good points but Ms.A is right if she didnt have all of that ass you guys will still find away to hate on her

  43. and thats fine if she got all that but my thing is why is that a problem of yours? Let Nicki do what she feels she needs to do personally thats her but if females stick to what it is that their there to do then maybe more hype will be generated among the female MC's at the end of the day this is about music and what is good music to me might not be good music to you so regardless to what she has going on she is the one constantly dishing out music and everyone else is sitting back watching and talking about her...Do something to stop her that isn't so hard right?

  44. How do you act smart? either you are or your not I thought

  45. E your points are very valid if they are true I'm not one to say if she has a fake ass if she is bi sexual or not all I care about is the music and thats what you guys should care about too

  46. I agree Ms.A it takes so much time out of your day to worry about if someone has a fake ass or titties it looks good! and her music is doing good

  47. Ms.A have you ever met Nicki? If you did you will know what I mean Ms.A and the girls are gonna come back hard and there music is so much better than her's.You said it yourself Ms.A you dont care for this song thats #1.But they take this shitty song but couple that with the ass and make her look pretty I will give her that they took that bitch spa and the cosmetic surgery office and hooked her up.But how fair is that to the other Mc's when were walking around with our natural imperfections and have to rely on our skills that's not good enough because were not walking around with a 44 inch ASS! How fair is that

  48. you say she has a fake ass and people can make an amazing case for that but was anybody in here with her on the operating table?......If not than its none of our business and its just rumor and here say

  49. Congrats on your #1 single by the way Nicki I thought thats what this post was for??????? It takes some hating ass bitches to fuck a good thing up.The woman has worked hard for this and a #1 any kind of record is not easy to come by

  50. this is going in a circle E if you are a female rapper or male rapper and you put out something good and I get my hands on it I'll support you too sweetie

  51. E you had some valid points but straight up you look like a real hater right now

  52. I will say that I have met Nicki before and I've met countless amounts of artists who are someone on TV and they aren't that off screen that shit can be faked but the music can't people :)

  53. Ms.A you know your shit so much its a crime

  54. I don't care who they are as long as they are giving me some good music to ride to I will support them

  55. Lil Kim is not walking around with her natural imperfections E talk about her

  56. this was a really good dibate you guys

  57. Damn lets talk about Kim in that regard she looks like the ghost that stole christmas

  58. Nicki is like the female version of who Drake is an artist to me not exact but in that area

  59. Lets give the woman congrats just because she has a #1 song does not mean she will be the greatest female MC of all time.....

  60. You kicked ass Ms.A damn

  61. Other females don't care about that she has a number one song so she is the target now

  62. E gave me a workout today people WHEW!

  63. Ms.A I'm so glad you didn't put Lauryn hill's name in the same sentence with the female MC's you know the difference between a rapper and an artist! So dear Lauryn we need you so bad right now!

  64. First off congrats to Nicki thats not easy for a female rapper to do you see it took 8 years.

  65. You women are so stupid yall need to ask Nicki what she is doing right or shut up and hop a ride because Nicki is going somewhere I dont know to the top but she is taking a ride

  66. You did your thing Ms.A Eve was making some OH IM SORRY........E was making some good points and you smashed her

  67. Oh No y'all its not about smashing someone with a debate atleast she had a point of view and I respect that

  68. And to all the women who hate on Nicki its taken 8 years since someone woman has been on top of the rap charts.....If cared to look it up Eve,Trina,Missy, and Im sure more has all had an album out and yall couldnt do it and Nicki was no where around......Im just saying

  69. thats why i come to this blog Ms.A you get my upmost musical respect

  70. Ms.A you could've easily put her on blast because that had to be Eve and I liked her once upon a time Respect Ms.A

  71. Man Eve why you have to hate the girl like that? You are talented as hell but I don't like you anymore now

  72. Who cares if the woman has a fake ass or not her music is pretty good and getting better to me

  73. I dont know Nicki she seems like a nice person from interviews I see and from looking at that video you posted Ms.A and she does seem smart

  74. Ms.A you did your thing today!

  75. atleast her fake ass looks good

  76. I hate that everybody wants to bring her down why cant she be smart?

  77. I bet everyone in the industy watched this debate today Go Ms.A!

  78. Woman can be such bitches this woman just did something that no woman has done in 8 years! Regardless of how you feel about her or the song she did it......Let the woman take a deep breath a little

  79. The song is growing on me I found myself singing it the other day

  80. You did a great job Ms.A!

  81. Congrats to Nicki not only does she have to make great music she has to deflect all of these freakin haters

  82. I like the song alot its growing on me alot

  83. Damn Mad Scientist you never win debates at home LOL Ms.A you worked it out today

  84. I say congrats to the lady she is doing her thing and atleast it looks like she is growing

  85. I love Nicki keep your head up and dont let these haters get you down

  86. I say a couple of my fellow lady rappers come on here and lets have a talk and clear the air about this fake bitch!

  87. Nicki if your woman enough come on here and defend yourself were calling you out

  88. What is talking about her going to do? yall will come on here and dog her then whats next?

  89. Ok no thats not going down its never that serious

  90. if they come on here doing that to her thats lame as hell

  91. Who the hell are you?

  92. rasheeda your dumb because if your non rapping ass gets a hit they are going to go against you too and who are you?

  93. This is lame how about go to the studio whoever the hell you are.....

  94. you are lame as hell Rasheeda who ever the hell you are talking about fellow rappers noone even knows you

  95. Lets not forget whats important congrats Nicki!

  96. If you female rappers do that we will never support you in the long run go talk to your PR people before doing that its not smart Rasheeda's career is not going anywhere don't do that to yourselves

  97. its a damn shame these ghetto ass rappers dont understand the difference between a debate and bullshit

  98. Dear Nicki,

    We at SAU really do like you well most of us and the real students that come everyday for the love of music without any agenda.We like you Nicki so I hope you do not not like us because of these hating bitches.......Congrats Nicki Im rooting for you

  99. Nicki is probably somewhere making money I bet she dont have time to do this dumb shit atleast if that was eve she put E instead of her real whole name so we never know if it is her Rasheeda is a dumb pointless female rap artist

  100. Who the fuck is Rasheeda?????

  101. can yall believe someone let her ghetto ass out the house today to day that dumb shit? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  102. WTF is a Rasheeda?

  103. How dumb does she look? you will never get on main stream because of dumb shit like that whatever a Rasheeda is go back to your cage

  104. She just made whoever E was look good as hell because of her debate LMAO

  105. LMAO damn she look so stupid right now


  107. she said fellow female MC's like they know who she is LMAO

  108. AHHHHHH!!!!! You are a lame

  109. girl you should never show your name on here and say some ignorant shit like that again you can't take her one on one so you need everyone else's help?

  110. girl you are the weakest link....goodbye!

  111. Get her ass yall she was lame for that first grade shit

  112. Does any of you bitch rappers think how Nicki might feel? how about if the roles were reversed and that was one of yall who were in Nicki shoes getting slandered left and right.That shit hurts yall women are so fucking catty and spread rumors and dont give a shit how the person being talked about feels

  113. I just had that shit done to me a day ago man have some respect were all humans here

  114. Nicki congrats on your song Im happy for you

  115. thats right! and a Rasheeda looks so dumb for that that shows what kind of a woman you are you ghetto ass lame atleast if that was eve she talked to Ms.A and they did their debate but a rasheeda comes on here and says lets gang up on her girl don't ever come on this real ass blog again

  116. are we in highschool here jumping people E came on here by herself if it was Eve she is more of a woman than your ghetto ass

  117. LMAO yall got her ass!

  118. that girl said fellow female MC's LMAO

  119. I can't believe she actually said that out loud like she is foxy brown and lauyrn hill's bestfriend LMAO

  120. Damn girl your not wanted here

  121. I know right like she is Trina's best friend.....Trina is a better rapper than you girl

  122. Congrats Nicki we love you!

  123. this girl rasheeda has a speech impediment anyway so how are you going to get on? Trina will rap circles around your ass hell diamond will rap circles around you

  124. we at SAU don't accept untalented people so your not wanted put your application in again when you get better

  125. Why does Nicki have to answer to anybody?

  126. Ms.A you did it up today my man's dont win any arguments LOL

  127. Its ashame these girls keep picking on her one day she might unleash a lyrical hell on yall and I will laugh my ass off


  129. I guess she doesn't have any female friends who has her back you dumb ass you see everyone is out for themselves you thought you was in the in crowd didn't you?

  130. she should never had come on here in the first place I bet she feel alone as hell LMAO!

  131. Your a rotten peach girl!

  132. Congrats Nicki! there just mad because there not you

  133. Nicki is a fake and a freaking fraud her music sucks and she is getting ahead by a fake ass body! Her little pitty me I want unity speech at the BET awards was a crock of bullshit

  134. To show you how fake she is do you guys know there marketing her as 24 but she is about to be 29 this year

  135. But does ^^^ matter anymore?

  136. Do you know that she has had over a half of million dollars worth of work done on her body?

  137. you are the last person to be talking about someone having work done on their body you just killed yourself right there I'm off guys see you tomorrow!

  138. Do you know that she is not even fucking with Diddy the BITCH IS MARRIED!

  139. Nicki we love you!

  140. And last but not least do you realize the fake bitch comes to yall blog every other day and comments but says nothing to you guys.......Go look and see how many times ONIKA comments thats the fake bitch real name.

  141. this is really sad yall its so sad that people have to do this to get back on why can't she comment other stars comment on here SMH just sad

  142. Why are you even here?

  143. what have you said to us? all you care about is downing people hypocrite

  144. Damn I have noticed her on here before I remember that name.Thats Nicki?

  145. its so sad that Lil Kim has stooped to this she use to really be a hot rapper but now all we hear is her talking down to Nicki and everything you said about her you should look in the mirror

  146. if she does come on here so what? we are use to people coming on here she doesn't have to announce everytime she comes on here

  147. She didnt have to put her out like that Im sure she didnt want that attention she just wanted to comment on Ms.A blog cause she like it

  148. it really is sad that Kim is like this now

  149. I think that says alot about her if she does not use her stage name and use her real name.She does not want the attention

  150. the girl can't have a life too? Kim you are pitiful for putting her out like this I will never support you

  151. Im sure Nicki will never comment again now how sad

  152. Kim whoever I find out that you are signed to I will never support their label or you

  153. that was disgusting

  154. I cant believe Nicki comes here and talks amongst us WOW!

  155. I never realized it was this serious

  156. Thats fucked up Nicki might not come back here anymore FUCK YOU KIM!

  157. I bet other people come here to talk because on here they can be themselves and not industry SMH Kim you use to be hot

  158. I cant believe she comes here OMG!

  159. Kim just made Nicki hotter

  160. She is married? and 28

  161. Nicki keep doing your thing they gon hate ma!

  162. if she is married and older so what?

  163. when you sit back and think about it the fact that Kim knows all of this about Nicki isn't that almost stalkerish?

  164. Who cares if she is older and married whats important is about the music.Who knows if Kim is telling the truth? Just keep supporting the woman's music and that's all that matters

  165. how sad that you are suppose to be a grown ass woman Kim and you are hating like this go get you some business

  166. If you guys want Nicki to comeback dont scare her and be like OMG its her.Let her say what she has to say like she has been saying.If she wanted the spotlight she would have used her stage name but this might be her release as it is to many artist that you have no idea who they are.Dont scare the woman away!

  167. Kim that was sad that you did what you just did.You as an artist should know sometimes you just want to be normal and need a release and for you to do that is fucked up

  168. We wont treat you different nicki I hope you come back we like you

  169. Kim you must be having a really bad fall off man other female rappers please don't do what she has done I like some of you please don't change my mind like Kim just did its not that deep

  170. Damn Kim you put her ass on blast!

  171. kim just remember Karma is a bitch

  172. That was wrong Kim very wrong you didnt have to put her out like that.That was some bullshit if I ever saw some

  173. Damn the poor woman cant even enjoy herself anymore and have a moment where she is not Nicki Minaj

  174. SMH Kim its just so sad

  175. That was really stalkerish Kim

  176. Kim can you come back and tell us why your really mad? I never heard you give an exact answer or is there no reason?

  177. you would have thought Nicki killed someone she knew

  178. Nicki if you comeback we wont treat you different I hope you will soon

  179. Kim this will comeback to bite you we are a force we have some what of a voice and were screaming FUCK YOU!

  180. everyone needs to take a chill pill why is it this damn serious?

  181. I liked Ms.A's and E debate but she just took it way too far that was wrong
