Beyonce is readying the release of her long awaited tour DVD for the I'am..... Tour which was shot in London's 02 Arena a billboard tribute of her was just revalead that will be featured on the DVD as well. On the tribute it not only goes into her countless #1 hits and sold out shows but it also talks about her charity work and her other side ventures...Check it our plus choreography for her song "Why Don't you love me...
I cant wait for the DVD it looks great
ReplyDeleteI cant believe she was number 1 that long
ReplyDeleteThats a really nice tribute to her she is the queen of pop
ReplyDeleteTo all of those people who say Lady Gaga is the queen of pop look at that video first than replicate that and than come talk to me
ReplyDeleteThat man is dancing his ass of he moves better than me and Im a woman
ReplyDeleteI cant wait for her DVD I really cant wait for new music Im starting to want it
ReplyDeleteIm so tired of Gaga attention whoring and trying she is saying now that the new CD will be shocking and that she always have to dress like art.Shut the fuck up its old and annoying she wants to be the queen so bad but she cant and she wont
ReplyDeleteI love the guy I wish he could teach me how to dance
ReplyDeleteWhat is the dancers name? Did he create the single ladies dance?
ReplyDeleteThats a great tribute to her
ReplyDeletecan we please stop comparing Lady gaga and Beyonce?
ReplyDeleteI dont want to compare them either but Lady Gaga stupid ass keeps going for it.Im just so sick of Lady Gaga its really annoying.I see her name and cringe
ReplyDeleteWe know Beyonce is better but Lady gaga has influenced Pop music as we know it
ReplyDeleteThere's really no comparison between the 2 Beyonce is the queen the video shows it right there.They can come up with as many flash in the pan ideas that they want but to do what Beyonce has done you have to be the best and she is
ReplyDeleteI cant wait to see the DVD Im very excited about it I have been waiting for it for awhile
ReplyDeleteGaga influenced pop music now but lets ask ourselves is that a good thing?
ReplyDeleteLeave gaga out of this she has nothing to do with this
ReplyDeleteGaga is a rehash and a copy of Madonna we all know that its nothing original.Im willing to bet Gaga will go more spiritual and political on her next album just like Madonna did in her career.
ReplyDeleteI actually like Lady Gaga she is grinding so let the woman do her thing. I don't think she has anything to do with this.
ReplyDeleteWhen gaga first came out we were all on her jock but now we want to hate on her? she is the new generation of pop music
ReplyDeleteThe kids are to stupid to realize the there seeing the same thing over with her.I wish they would do there home work and google Madonna before they tak about she is the greatest of all time.
ReplyDeleteI cant wait for the DVD!
ReplyDeleteThe DVD is gonna be off the chain
ReplyDeleteI would like to like Gaga but her sound was like a nuculer bomb and it went off but now its not that good.and she is so annoying and Im so tired of her damn little monster fans to
ReplyDeleteIts her fans that make her so annoying ugh
ReplyDeleteThat man can dance his ass off
ReplyDeleteBeyonce is the best of this generation and its gonna take God making someone that special to top her.Gaga is good but she aint it she is a gimmick
ReplyDeletecan we stop talking about Gaga I hate when we do that this is about Beyonce
ReplyDeleteI love the tribute video I didnt know she had a film company
ReplyDeleteI cant wait for the DVD it looks like its gonna be really good
ReplyDeleteI love that she trapped it in London town baby
ReplyDeleteI missed her when she came to my city I cant wait to see the DVD
ReplyDeleteI cant wait to some new music drops
ReplyDeleteIts about time some music drop from her soon but I dont think its coming until next year
ReplyDeleteShe is so beautiful
ReplyDeleteI cant wait until the DVD comes Im looking forward to it
ReplyDeleteI cant wait for the DVD its gonna be really good just like all of her others Im sure