R.I.P Luna Vachon!!!!!!

Bret Hart was out to kick off the show and Cole noted Hart was part of the early great memories from the TV show. Hart completed his ring intro and apparently we're going to get two hours of Cole doing the "longest running episodic" line. Once in the ring, Hart recapped the beginning of Raw when he wasn't sure if the show would catch on, but now it's "doing pretty damn good." Hart said Raw has the most shows in the history of prime time TV. He said he was there for the very first show and there's only one other wrestler still here who was around back then. The Undertaker.

Suddenly, Kane's pyro shot off and Kane strolled out sans World Title belt around his waist. Once in the ring, Kane took a mic and smiled. He said there is no Undertaker anymore because he physically decimated Taker and left him to rot in a vegetative state. Kane said he's not "phenomenal" in any way; he's just a man. Kane paused for an "Under-Taker" chant and smiled. He then described Taker like Hart - old, feeble, scraggly, over-the-hill, irreversibly damaged. There were "What?" chants during this. Only appropriate on a historic Raw. Kane said the only time Taker was truly Taker was when he ended Shawn Michaels's career. Kane said Hart must have really liked that seeing a man he seemingly made amends with, yet utterly despised.
Hart said the only thing he's going to savor is when Taker gets his hands on Kane and beats him...like he always does. Kane laughed to himself and said the only thing he's only wanted his entire life was to break away from Taker and prove he is the devil's favorite demon. Kane said Taker took out an icon, Michaels, and he needs to take out an icon of his own. Kane grabbed Hart around the throat, but Hart Dynasty hit the ring to make the save. Hart then tried to fight them off, but Kane grabbed him by the throat again.
Suddenly, the bell tolled and the arena went dark. Taker was in the ring when the lights came back on. Taker stared down Kane, who gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw. They exchanged looks, then Kane smiled and back-flipped out of the ring. Taker stood his ground in the ring as Kane walked off from the ring.
Suddenly, the Raw GM chimed in Cole said he has received an email. Cole read that the GM sees an iconic moment taking place, so in honor of this moment (and despite his disagreement in the past), there will be a history-making main event tonight: Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker.

Rapid-fire start to the action before Bryan clubbed Miz in the face to draw Miz's ire. Bryan then ripped off rapid-fire kicks on Riley before running into Kofi, who landed a leg sweep for a near fall. Three men are eligible at a time here. Eventually, all three Rookies were in the ring together. Riley broke up a submission attempt by Kaval on Hennig, then took a big kick to the face from Kaval. Hennig tried to roll up Kaval from behind, but Kaval escaped. Kaval then went up top for the Warrior's Way on Hennig and he connected. Miz suddenly entered from behind (following a blind tag) and dropped Kaval with the Skullcrushing Finale and Cole nearly jumped out of his chair. Miz with the pin on Kaval for the win. As a result,
Ryan's Angle: Too many men in the over-done, over-played three-way format. The end result was fine to continue getting heat on Miz building to a likely U.S. Title match between Bryan and Miz.
2 -- DREW MCINTYRE & CODY RHODES vs. R-TRUTH & JOHN MORRISON -- #1 contender match to the WWE Tag Titles
Cole listed notable tag teams in Raw history and Lawler interjected, "Ross and Lawler." Cole and Lawler talked up Ross for a bit, noting his signature catchphrases. The match lasted less than one minute, as all four men brawled in the ring and the ref threw out the match. Post-match: McIntyre and Morrison brawled ringside. Mac ate the Raw GM podium and crumpled to the floor. Morrison and Truth then walked off. And, well, nothing was settled.

Before the bell sounded, Nexus's theme music hit. You knew they weren't delivering a match. Barrett said this match is not going to happen. He said when people talk about the 900th episode of Raw, they don't want to talk about two legends, but the future. "And the future is Nexus," he said. Barrett said he said earlier today he would do something unforgettable and he's going to do that right now. Barrett slipped into the ring and charged Taker, who answered with right hand blows. Taker landed a big boot and Barrett crawled to the ropes to take a clothesline over the top rope.
Suddenly, the lights went down again. The bell tolled. This time, Kane was in the ring. Hart was gone. Kane now has Taker's magical powers. Kane then landed a right hand strike and they traded blows. Taker had Kane by the throat, then the lights went down again. Kane was gone this time. Taker was alone. Nexus's music hit and the remaining four members stomped out to the ring. Was Hart eaten up by the ring during this? Nexus surrounded the ring, then Taker tried to fight them off one-by-one. Taker had Barrett by the throat, but the lights went off again. Thud noises in the dark.
Suddenly, Barrett had Taker on his shoulders to deliver his signature slam. They cut to a shot of Kane standing on the entrance ramp watching with a smile. Barrett then directed traffic to set up Taker for the 450 Splash from Justin Gabriel. Kane watched approvingly from the stage. At least there was heat on Nexus by the end of this, as the crowd chanted, "Nexus sucks," as they stood over Taker. Taker then tried to do his classic sit up, but he collapsed down to the mat. Kane chuckled and smiled from the stage.
RYAN'S ANGLE:Another non-match here. Hopefully they're following the Summerslam formula of a weak undercard, then 20-30 minutes in the elimination tag match to tell a strong in-ring story to make that important. The lights on/off gimmick was over-done and Barrett looked very weak mid-way through, but at least Nexus stood tall at the end to retain some measure of credibility as heel threats. I'm not sure if anyone cared by the end of the segment, though

Jericho and Tarver started things off, but didn't lock up. Jericho paused for a pro-Jericho chant, then decided just to bail from the ring. The ref started a ten count and Jericho teased running back into the ring, but smiled and walked off to the back. Jericho is gone at Cena was upset, but went back to the ring as Edge entered the ring. Edge then shoved down the ref to be DQ'ed Nexus had a good laugh at this. So, it's Cena, Orton, and Sheamus.
Cena entered the ring and battled Tarver. Cena shoved Tarver into the corner, then tagged in Sheamus while shooting a look to Orton. Slater tagged in and the red-headed kids battled in the ring. Sheamus slowed down the pace and knocked Slater to the outside before rolling him back into the ring. There was no energy in this match up to this point. Otunga tagged in to no reaction, then paced the ring and grabbed a basic side headlock. Sheamus and Otunga collided mid-ring, then Sheamus clotheslined Otunga, who tried posing in Sheamus's face. Sheamus was then isolated - yes, the heel champion playing babyface in peril - as Nexus stomped away on him. Sheamus never made it out of the corner after a couple of hope spots and Slater eventually pinned Sheamus (I don't get that booking at all.)
John Cena then came in hot and dropped the Five Knuckle Shuffle on Slater. He wanted the Attitude Adjustment and connected for a pin on Slater Wade Barrett entered next and dumped Cena to the outside. Nexus seized the opportunity to stomp away on Cena ringside. Barrett rammed Cena head-first into the announce table before rolling him back into the ring for a two count. Gabriel came in and landed some basic offense. Otunga then tagged in and showed how green he is in the ring before Cena countered a suplex attempt.
Otunga cleared Orton off the ring apron, but Cena sprung to life and slapped on the STF for a tap-out Gabriel then came right off the top with the 450 splash on Cena for a pin on Cena . Orton then snuck in the back door and dropped Gabriel with the RKO for a pin Tarver came in next and took an RKO for another pin Barrett then hit the ring and dropped Orton with his overhead slam finisher. Barrett made the cover for the win Five decisions in less than one minute. Very fitting for this show. Barrett posed in the ring with a smile on his face as Cole suggested Barrett's in control heading to Night of Champions.
RYAN'S FINAL THOUGHT: Nexus gets the win they needed at Summerslam. But, it's too little, too late. There was hardly any heat on this match until the very end with the rapid-fire finishers. At the end of the day, it's Barrett and "a group of inexperienced wrestlers," based on WWE's presentation, who have lost their edge as threats. The collective unit doesn't have much steam, with the emphasis now on Barrett leading to Night of Champions. As for Team WWE, fine use of Jericho and Edge, Orton was protected with his injury, Cena was surprisingly finished off early, and I have no idea what WWE was thinking with the booking of Sheamus here. Disappointing main event to conclude a very disappointing show.
Terrible Show last night they should have ran a re-run of burn notice instead of that shit
ReplyDeleteI hated everything about it
ReplyDeleteThe WWE Creative team needs a vacation or something to many things there doing is making no sense
ReplyDeleteTerrible show they teased us with the rock,stone cold,and dx and none of them showed up :(
ReplyDeleteWhats so messed up is they need to be having stronger monday shows monday night football will be back but there getting weaker and weaker
ReplyDeleteEvery writer that worked on that show should be suspended that was G-A-R-B-A-G-E
ReplyDeleteAn autraucity of a show 900th episode special my ass
ReplyDeleteWhy the hell couldnt Ross comeback and commentate?
ReplyDeleteWTF was that WWE?
ReplyDeleteI actually went and studied while that was on man that was horrible
ReplyDeleteThe Sheamus booking was beyond me I didnt get it at all
ReplyDeleteWhat is up WWE? How could yall have managed to kill the heat on Nexus like that?
ReplyDeleteHorrible writing and booking......Slater pins Sheamus? WTF?
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what the WWE is thinking
ReplyDeleteIt was an horrific show no good came out of it Vince should be embarrased
ReplyDeleteThere's no way last night show should have went like that
ReplyDeleteHow could they put that show on air last night it was horrible and boring
ReplyDeleteI hate when the WWE has blind dumb ass moments like this dude
ReplyDeleteI hated everything about last night show it sucked
ReplyDeleteGood write up Ryan horrible show
ReplyDeleteI cant believe that was the show I was left empty and alone
ReplyDeleteWhat are these people thinking who are writing this crap
ReplyDeleteThat was no way to celebrate a 900th show
ReplyDeleteLast night show was very below average I turned it off half way through
ReplyDeleteI hope there 1,000th show is better
ReplyDeleteSo you guys I have been thinking all day after last nights horrible show.Do you guys think that wrestlers should have an off season? Im not sure how they would do it but last night the wrestlers had no energy,they looked uninspired,and looked like the umph! In all major sports they have an off-season so the athletes can rest,have a life,and just live and not do this everyweek
ReplyDeleteThey do need an off season I say maybe 2 months a year
ReplyDeleteThey need some time off there looking like they have no energy at all
ReplyDeleteI was really disturbed last night by there performances it was sad
ReplyDeleteThe writing and the wrestlers performances were terrible
ReplyDeleteI was really bothered by last nights show
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell happened to all of the Nexus heat? After that loss at Summerslam Ryan your right its to late
ReplyDeleteBOOOOOOOOO Last nihgts show!
ReplyDeleteThey deserve time off like every other sport there human