" I don't know If yall' know/ Well maybe ya'll do/ or maybe ya'll don't/but I don't really care- Glorious Quote from Beyonce'
Yesterday Kanye West stopped by Hot 97 to premiere his next single from his new album album (Set to come out in Nov). "See Me Now" the song features a massive collab of Beyonce' and the voice that you can hear from up the street "Charlie Wilson". Great song, any song that has a feature of Beyonce' is going to hit, plus Mr. Wilson's voice can add accent to dry rice...good one!
In other Kanye new, the rapper is scheduled to perform at this years VMA's...
I love the record I was going crazy when I heard it
ReplyDeleteThis is gonna hit hard on pop radio I love it
ReplyDeleteI cant believe she featured on somebody other than Jay Z
ReplyDeleteIm really liking this song alot
ReplyDeleteThis is perfect for pop radio and Beyonce killed her part
ReplyDeleteThis album is gonna be huge
ReplyDeleteAfter a couple of listens Im really liking this song
ReplyDeleteI love this song we had to play it at the station when we premiered it 7 times in a row
ReplyDeleteI love this record I cant believe there all on the same track
ReplyDeleteIm really excited about the album I like everything Im hearing
ReplyDeleteI love this song
ReplyDeleteThis song is off the chain I love it
ReplyDeleteI never thought she would do a rap feature other than Jay again
ReplyDeleteIt took me a couple of listens but I really like it
ReplyDeleteI love that Quote from her that is so bad ass
ReplyDeleteBeyonce killed the track I love it
ReplyDeleteI think it will be a hit for sure
ReplyDeleteIm happy you guys really like the record whats up SAU?
ReplyDeleteWhats up Kanye welcome to SAU we love you here
ReplyDeleteOH SHIT!
ReplyDeleteHow are you Kanye?
ReplyDeleteKanye can we ask you some questions?
ReplyDeleteI love you Kanye I have to call all of my friends now OMG
ReplyDeleteI love this blog SAU FUCKING ROCKS!
ReplyDeleteI got some time ask away its not a problem
ReplyDeleteI love you guys SAU is my favorite blog and Ms.A is the best she is like my little big sister
ReplyDeleteKanye I fucking love you!!!!!!!!! OMG I got to call up everybody your here
ReplyDeleteKanye what is your inspiration for this album?
ReplyDeleteKanye you are a GOD of music man
ReplyDeleteKanye how in the hell did you get Beyonce on your record?
ReplyDeleteWhat is your inspiration for the power video that was crazy Kanye!
ReplyDeleteMs.A you know Kanye?
ReplyDeleteGetting Beyonce n the record was pretty easy I have worked with her before she heard the record and loved it.
ReplyDeleteMy inspiration for the album is to make a great hip hop album but I want to push it to the limit in non traditional ways like Power is the first example.
ReplyDeleteKanye would you interview with Ms.A we love you here
ReplyDeleteKanye we love you so much Im so happy to be back
ReplyDeleteKanye did you produce the record with Beyonce?
ReplyDeleteWhat made you get Charlie Wilson?
ReplyDeleteThe power video was inspied by the Sisteenth Chappel Im a huge art fan and I see music like art.So when I first heard the record thats what went through my mind and when I was writing the song I kept getting those visions.I knew I wanted the video to be something epic because I felt the track was really epic
ReplyDeleteKanye you are a genius I hope you know that
ReplyDeleteKanye I love you so much this is the best blog ever
ReplyDeleteKanye what do you feel about Ms.A and what she is doing for the music industry?
ReplyDeleteKanye it rocks that your back man keep fucking rocking!
ReplyDeleteThis record was produced by myself,Michael Sanders,and No ID
ReplyDeleteMs.A in her review of the song said it best that's why I got him I cant explain it any better
ReplyDeleteKanye how do you feel almost a year later after the VMA incident?
ReplyDeleteKanye are you and Amber really broken up?
ReplyDeleteLike I said earlier I feel that Ms.A is a little big sister and thats just her as a person I love her she has helped me through a couple of things.As far as SAU and her career she is the spark that music industry needed so bad she is not conforming to any standards she tell it how it is.She brought us a new star in B.o.B and she knows music and do it for the love no selfishness she do it for the love.Now SAU is becoming a place where artist can come and connect with you directly which is putting a whole new spin on things.10 years from now Ms.A will be looked at as a revolutionary to music I really believe that.Every artist should thank her for the work that she is doing
ReplyDeleteKanye you are amazing I never thought you would come on here
ReplyDeleteI feel like a new and better man
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwww Ms.A!
ReplyDeleteWe love you Ms.A! You rock
ReplyDeleteKanye what do you feel about the way 808's and heartbreaks were precieved?
ReplyDeleteWould you say that was your worst album to date?
ReplyDeleteKanye you are so cool that was so nice what you said about Ms.A
ReplyDeleteDo you believe that your the best producer out?
ReplyDeleteKanye what made you want to start working with the mad scientist?
ReplyDeleteKanye OMG I love you!
ReplyDeleteKanye I cant believe your here OMG
ReplyDeleteKanye we love you!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs.A you rock what a co-sign!
ReplyDeleteI love this fucking blog man
ReplyDeleteI look at 808's as by far my best work of my career I know that people say different things and it was the most polarizing CD's of my career.
ReplyDeleteI might sound like an asshole and cocky for this but 808's was the best CD of the decade hands down and I believe that people wil realize its greatness 20 and 30 years from now.I think it was just ahead of its time
ReplyDeleteKanye do you think you the best in hip hop?
ReplyDeleteKanye you fucking rock man!
ReplyDeleteKanye do you really think that Eminem is the best rapper ever?
ReplyDeleteWell Howdy ho Kanye thanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteYou guys refer to him as the mad scientist but when your great and legendary like him he does not need a nickname.I have been working with Michael since my last album he Executive Produced 808's with me and he Executive produced my new one with me
ReplyDeleteMs.A you know Kanye personally and you help him?
ReplyDeleteMs.A did you read what Kanye said about you?
ReplyDeleteMs.A your fucking blog rocks!
ReplyDeleteHi Ms.A your doing ok? Im just having a little fun with the class
ReplyDeleteLOL I did read what Kanye said about me he can keep going if he wants too... LOL JK
ReplyDeleteI see that thank you for speaking so highly of me Kanye you know I love you...
ReplyDeleteI cant answer any questions about me being the best thats not for me to say
ReplyDeleteNow Kanye you say everything else why can't you say your the best?
ReplyDeleteMs.A you are the bomb!
ReplyDeleteKanye why do you say whatever is on your mind all the time??
ReplyDeleteLMAO at the comment before last
ReplyDeleteI got one life to live thats why I say it I know its a bad habbit but I cant talk when Im dead and gone
ReplyDeleteKanye is a genius Ms.A you know EVERYBODY!
ReplyDeleteKanye we love you!
ReplyDeleteLMAO Damn he made it logical!
ReplyDeleteThats a real ass answer
ReplyDeleteKanye why is the album delayed?
ReplyDeleteYes I really think the best rapper ever is EM I read Ms.A point of view and she makes a great point but Im not going into a debate with her I dont want that trouble I have heard to many stories ;)
ReplyDeleteAwh damn he makes me sound like a bully....
ReplyDeleteKanye did you really mean that about Nicki Minaj? Would you take it back if you could
ReplyDeleteLMAO Ms.A!
ReplyDeleteThat would be good as hell can you guys debate? over Em and Tupac?
ReplyDeleteDEBATE DEBATE DEBATE Kanye and Ms.A yall scared?
ReplyDeleteOk you guys Im going to answer the last 2 questions I have to get back to work but I will be back dont worry this was fun
ReplyDeleteI want to see them debate
ReplyDeleteMs.A you must be good at debates he dont want to debate you WOW!
ReplyDeleteLOL its not that serious people....
ReplyDeleteKanye who do you want to work with that you haven't already?
ReplyDeleteThe reason my album is pushed back is because I cant stop making music.I have gone past 2 deadlines I just cant stop Im waiting on a couple of new tracks to finish up and than I will be finished.Im going to try really really hard to keep it at this date
ReplyDeleteKanye we love you so much you are so freaking cool
ReplyDeletePLEASE DO KANYE!!!!!!! I can't wait for the album!
ReplyDeleteI fucking love artists like this who aren't high on their horse and can talk to us
ReplyDeleteMs.A might out debate President Obama if she had to if Kanye dont want it
ReplyDeleteis he still here?
ReplyDeleteAs far as do I believe the statement I made about Nicki Minaj I do and I will tell you why first off its my opinion.Second of all Hip Hop to me is two things its 50% flow,lyrics,beats,album sales,#1's etc the second thing is connecting and getting peoples hearts and having a fan base that will do anything for you.You guys are the best example and I was thinking of SAU when I said that and today proved it aswell.You guys argued over Biggie,Tupac,and Eminem today you guys argued and debated and nobody's opinion changed.If Ms.A asked that question again tomorrow you guys will come on here and act a fool.No other genre has the love and passion like hip hop no one debates like this and thats love people.You guys love this shit and that love however those 3 men got into your hearts you guys will keep them alive forever that is hip hop.Nicki is on her way to that when she came on here and talked to you guys Ms.A had over 20 million hits that day and they were because of Nicki.That demand for her is crazy if she turns some of that intrest into love and devoted fans that will be a crazy scary situation and she could quite possibly be #2 think about.If she wins that 50% in the first 2 albums than her rhymes,lyrics,and songs are tight its a perfect storm and she can do it and is the only person capable of thats out right now.......Think on it
ReplyDeleteWe love you Kanye
ReplyDeleteMs.A you get that many hits?
ReplyDeleteOk guys thank you so much for talking to me today I had alot of fun and thank you for liking the music.Ms.A thank you for not cursing me out for coming LOL and I will talk to you guys again soon I promise you never know when I will show up so keep coming to the site everyday I love you all
ReplyDeletethat was so sweet of him to say for Ms.A
ReplyDeleteHe makes a good point when he says its like that
ReplyDeleteI stayed late at work I didnt realize it was 5 LOL
ReplyDeleteI love this blog Ms.A you rock!
ReplyDeletethere's 20 million of us?
ReplyDeleteSAU IS 20 Million STRONG BITCHES!! Maybe more!
ReplyDeleteMs.A your the best
ReplyDeleteThis site rocks
ReplyDeleteDamn Ms.A 20 million?
ReplyDeleteHe made a really good point at the end