"If We Ever Whoopty whooop, I want all that bleep te bleep"- Glorious Quote from Andre 3000
A breath of fresh air is being breathed in the air of the music game being that Andre 3000 has a newly leaked song called "I Do". Reminiscent of his feature on the UGK song "International Players Anthem" Andre Gets right into what he wants in a female and a baby girl and takes you on a stroll into his land with a nice 'drift off' of thoughts... The rapper goes into talking briefly about "Nothing being,more attractive than a heaven praying woman".
Of course this couldn't be what Andre plans to put out as an official single but to my ears...Love it could this be a sing that the rapper is up to bat next? Check it out...
It feels so good to hear something new from him
ReplyDeleteI like the song I wish he would put out a real single
ReplyDeleteI like it Andre please comeback
ReplyDeleteAndre we need you
ReplyDeleteYall think we can get Andre to come talk?
ReplyDeleteI love the song I wish he would release some new work
ReplyDeleteI wish Andre would come talk
ReplyDeleteDo you think we can do it SAU this would be a hard one
ReplyDeletecome on Andre you have to know about us where are you come talk!
ReplyDeleteCome on Andre you can come talk to us
ReplyDeleteIf we get this one to happen than I dont know who we can go for next we have to rally the troops
ReplyDeleteAndre can you hear us? We want to see how you are doing
ReplyDeleteatleast come say hi so we know your alive!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if he's down to earth or what
ReplyDeleteI would love for Andre to come say something but I think we gonna have to work for him
ReplyDeleteI love the song
ReplyDeleteI wonder how hard we have to work for Andre
ReplyDeleteI love the glorious quote LOL
ReplyDeleteI really like the song
ReplyDeleteI want this glorious quote on a shirt
ReplyDeleteT-Shirt of that quote would be great I would buy it
ReplyDeleteI cant wait to hear more music from him I hope he puts out a CD soon
ReplyDeleteI love that picture of him