Monday Night Raw Started off with Bret Hart in the ring cutting a promo saying that he's been training like a lunatic back in Calgary while his team has been falling apart. He mentioned Edge quitting Team WWE and said he felt disappointed after he vouched to Cena for them to be part of the team. "Well, I guess I was wrong," Hart said. Hart said it's not too late, so he called out Jericho and Edge to come face him so they can put the machine back together. The camera swung around to show Hart facing the Videotron, then Jericho's music hit to bring out Jericho in a suit.

Jericho entered the ring and said he can't speak for Edge, so Hart can go ahead and dazzle him with his words. Hart said he doesn't have time for that crap. Hart told him it's his chance to be a man, to step up to the plate, and change things. Hart seemed nervous trying to get his lines out. He told Jericho that if he doesn't join Team WWE, he's hurting himself. He reminded Jericho that Nexus wants nothing to do with him and the other wrestlers want nothing to do with him. Hart said if Nexus walks out of Summerslam as the victors, Jericho is only hurting himself. He said he would be an outcast with nowhere to go. Hart told Jericho to do the honorable thing.
Jericho looked up after staring down at the mat and pretended to survey the audience for an answer. Hart asked Jericho if he's going to quit the team and disappoint his fans across the world or make it right. Jericho solemnly said that made him think, but said his answer is still no. "I had you figured out years ago, Hart," Jericho said, entering promo mode. He said Hart isn't concerned about Nexus, but avoiding the worst beating of his career from him and Edge tonight. Jericho said Hart's a frightened, desperate man. Jericho said Hart knows he can't beat Nexus at Summerslam without him and Edge. Jericho said it's clear that once again, "Bret Hart is screwed." Jericho said his concern tonight is dismantling the "mighty Bret Hart" tonight.

Cue up Edge's theme music for an interruption. Edge walked out and asked Jericho what's the matter with him. "This is Bret 'the Hitman' Hart," he said. Edge said they grew up idolizing him and he's the reason they got into this business. Edge said he shoveled driveways so he could go down to Maple Leaf Gardens and watch Hart. Edge said he doesn't know about Jericho, but Hart can count him in. Jericho had a great look selling a reaction of "Oh, I can't believe this," listening to Edge. Jericho then walked out of the ring and Edge appeared to attempt a kick, but Hart caught him and dropped him on the mat. Hart attempted a Sharpshooter, but Jericho thumbed Hart in the eye. Jericho and Edge then left the ring together. Meanwhile, Natalya stormed past them and checked on Hart while pleading with him to do something about something else.
Backstage: Nexus was beating up Tyson Kidd and D.H. Smith. They had the "Andre" shot to make Nexus look huge. Wade Barrett then looked into the camera and addressed Hart that he can rule out Hart Dynasty being replacements. Back in the arena, Hart and Natalya took off from the ring running to the back as they cut to break.
1 -- U.S. champion THE MIZ vs. EVAN BOURNE -- non-title match

Miz was aggressive early on, looking much different than working with Randy Orton on last week's show when he looked timid and intimidated by the main event opportunity. Miz continued to take it to Bourne, who fought back with kick strikes until Miz side-stepped a knee strike and flung him to the mat. Bourne rolled to the corner to recover, then Miz measured him for the running clothesline corner spot. Miz continued to sell aggressiveness after the move, with the camera focusing on his facials to sell the moment. Miz attempted a suplex, but Miz landed a knee strike to the head. It's worth noting there's been no discussion of Miz as U.S. champion or confirming it's a non-title match.
Bourne pulled off a spectacular snap huracanrana for a two count, then Miz came back with an aggressive clothesline for a two count. Miz then stalked Bourne and measured him with the Skullcrushing Finale, which he connected with. Miz with the pin for the win. Cole said he believes Miz will soon be WWE champion. They replayed highspots from the match, then Miz took the mic. Miz said he doesn't care of it's Orton or Sheamus that wins the "title" this Sunday; he's ready to cash in his contract. Miz did his "awesome" catchphrase to heel heat.
RYAN'S ANGLE: A very good match The Miz looked much better this week in the ring with with Evan I felt last week The Miz was to timid and outright scared to be in the ring with Randy Orton.The concern here is Evan Bourne he has clearly dropped down a few notches since the huge John Cena push a couple of month's ago hopefully after Summer Slam they can start pushing him again.
2 -- Divas champion ALICIA FOX vs. MELINA -- non-title match

Melina came out to the ring with her full paparazzi ring entrance (Its really good to see her back) . The match moved to the floor early on and Alicia smashed Melina with a hard clothesline, with Melina's head bumping off the floor. Back in the ring, Alicia hit a spinning backbreaker across his knee for a two count. Alicia then followed with a backbreaker submission. Melina then countered with a sweet Canadian Destroyer-style counter and scored a pin for the win. Melina celebrated, winning her first match back in WWE. "I'm back," she mouthed to the crowd.
RYAN"S ANGLE: It is finally good to see Melina back and looking healthy since her devastating knee injury.I have to say a fued can last between Alicia and Melina for month's Alicia is becoming a very good wrestler and Melina is like I said last week the best in the business so this match was very entertaing and Im sure the Summer Slam match up will be even better.Its good to see good wrestling in the women's division
Back from Break They rolled a video package on Sheamus taking folks out since he joined WWE. They cut back to the arena to show Sheamus watching the video with a smile, then filled the screen with the video again. Sheamus smiled after they showed him taking out Triple H and vowing to do the same to Orton at Summerslam. Back in the ring, Sheamus said he's ended careers in the ring and right now, he wants to call out Randy Orton. Sheamus wasn't done, but Orton's music interrupted to bring him out.

Orton circled around the ring as Sheamus smiled at him. Orotn said he has something to say to him. He said he knows Sheamus is capable of hurting people, but he thinks Sheamus is full of it. Orton said Sheamus had an opportunity to prove he should be taken seriously last week, but he blew his opportunity. Sheamus interrupted by saying everyone takes him seriously. Orton paused for an "R-K-O" chant, then mocked Sheamus for his videos and speeches. He said Sheamus has never beaten him...and he never will. "You're wrong!" he shouted. Sheamus name-dropped Hunter and Cena as guys he's beaten. "I'm not Triple H and I'm certainly not John Cena," Orton said, emphasizing the latter part. Sheamus reminded him he's not the WWE champion either.
Sheamus said once he beats Orton at Summerslam, Orton will go back to the back of the line. He vowed to make sure Orton never gets another title shot after Summerslam while he's champ. Orton vowed to beat him at Summerslam - notice he didn't say "win the title." Orton told Sheamus to do something about it with his threats. They paused and stared off nose-to-nose.
Suddenly, the MacBook interrupted and Cole went to the podium to read an email from the GM. Cole read that Sheamus's title matches have been marred by interference, so if anyone interferes in the title match, that person will be suspended indefinitely. Cole said the GM agrees with Sheamus that if Orton loses at Summerslam, he goes back to the end of the line. The GM also agrees with Orton. The GM told Sheamus to prove he's not scared by doing something about it right now.
Sheamus pretended to square off against Orton He then backed off with a smile before teasing a right hand punch. Orton didn't flinch, then he attacked Sheamus from behind. Orton got in a few blows before Sheamus nailed him with a big double axehandle smash to the head. Sheamus backed off to the corner and got fired up. He attempted a bicycle kick, but Orton ducked and nailed a fallaway backbreaker smash. Orton then stared down at Sheamus, who was selling on the mat. Orton slowly began to back up, then the crowd recognized what he was going for. Orton teased the Big Punt, but stopped mid-kick. Sheamus snapped to attention and had the look of death on his face as Orton suggested he could have ended things right there.
Orton rolled to the outside, then grabbed the title and held it up. Cole and Lawler said Orton sent a message that he can win the title whenever he wants. Cole said Orton is focused and ready for Summerslam. Orton smiled, tossed the belt back to Sheamus, then walked off as Sheamus continued to sell in the ring.
4 -- BRET HART & JOHN CENA vs. EDGE & CHRIS JERICHO -- Nexus as lumberjacks

Cena was knocked to the outside early on, so Nexus beat him up a bit before rolling him back into the ring. They repeated this after Jericho rolled Cena to the outside. Jericho mocked the "Cena, Cena" chants before Cena bought some time throwing Jericho to the floor. Nexus gave Jericho some space and Jericho sold fear over what they might do, but they didn't touch him. Jericho confidently re-entered the ring, then Cena and Jericho exchanged holds. Cena found himself on the outside, but he got in a blow on Barrett. Cena then caused Jericho to bump Barrett before knocking Jericho to the floor. Jericho told Nexus to get them, but Nexus jumped Jericho on the outside. Edge then took a beating. Gabriel rolled into the ring where Hart decked him, then Nexus regrouped on the outside with a discussion.
Nexus slowly circled the ring as the match apparently came to a halt. Annoying non-finish here. Suddenly, Morrison and Truth hit the ring to back up Cena and Hart. Nexus then entered the ring as Edge was shown leaving. Jericho then joined Edge on the ramp. They sort of looked at each other and Jericho motioned for them to leave. Edge then motioned back the other way and they charged the ring to stand next to Team WWE.
They cut to a shot of the hard camera showing both sides squaring off against each other itching for a fight. They had the shaky hard cam for this and a hot crowd, then a big fight broke out in the ring. Barrett hightailed it out of the ring and Nexus followed him out of the ring. Skip was shown running stadium steps to the top of the lower level. Nexus joined them in the stands as Edge stood tall in the ring. Nexus was shown standing at the top of the lower level seats with Team WWE standing together in the ring. Cena's music hit and the announcers were silent as the camera cut back and forth between Team WWE and Team Nexus staring at each other. Cena was shown standing tall in the ring as Nexus shot him hand gestures. "It's on Sunday at Summerslam" was the message to conclude the show ten minutes past the top of the hour.
RYAN'S FINAL THOUGHT:No decision at no time. The annoying non-finish habit continued here, as expected with the final angle needing to be Team WWE strong and united going into Summerslam. A seventh slot remains to be filled. Perhaps they can have Miz, Henry, Bourne, Khali, and DiBiase in a PPV-opening battle royal. Overall, good final hype for Summerslam.WWE hopes renewed interest in Raw via the Nexus angle, the audience believing Nexus is a legit threat, and a strong front by Team WWE to conclude the final sales pitch will be enticing enough to order a PPV where a wrestling match likely won't settle anything, if we're being realistic here. It will be interesting to see if WWE translates increased viewership into increased PPV buyers for Sunday
Great recap Ryan and good build up for the show Sunday
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed last night show the crowd had huge heat
ReplyDeleteSexy picture of Melina WHEW!
ReplyDeleteShe looked great last night great
ReplyDeleteThere was a huge need for a strong Babyface in the divas department back on Raw now they got it
ReplyDeleteOk you guys realisticly I know we love him but how bad is Bret gonna look in the ring Sunday? That looks like its gonna be a disaster
ReplyDeleteI dont think Bret is gonna really get in the ring for any sizeable amount of time
ReplyDeleteBret does not look in wrestling shape
ReplyDeleteI cant believe you called out the miz like that Ryan.He did look very scared to me
ReplyDeleteThe Miz needed to get called out after last week there was fear in his heart and that was not a sell.He looked like Randy Orton was to mouch for him
ReplyDeleteBret please dont hurt yourself
ReplyDeleteI wonder who is gonna take the Great Kali spot I hope its the Miz
ReplyDeleteWho do you guys think will win out of Randy Orton and Sheamus?
ReplyDeleteI think Randy is gonna win he is on fire right now
ReplyDeleteI dont think there gonna take the belt off of Sheamus yet
ReplyDeleteI think Randy will get it he is the top Babyface in the company right now I think he deserves it for his hard work
ReplyDeleteOrton all the way
ReplyDeleteIm tired of Sheamus as champ he needs to let Orton take it he is getting better but Orton is on top right now
ReplyDeleteGreat show last night good build up but Ryan you got a point whoever wins that Nexus match there will be no finality.
ReplyDeleteI think the card for Summer Slam is really good there will be plenty buy's
ReplyDeleteI will be buying Summer Slam I cant wait its the second best show of the year for them
ReplyDeleteThere gonna keep this Nexus going for awhile I think
ReplyDeleteI think something big will happen at this PPV
ReplyDeleteNexus is gonna win I think they have to keep this going
ReplyDeleteIf the Nexus angle is dead after Sunday where does the WWE have to go?
ReplyDeleteThe Nexus is covering up the WWE biggest flaw and that is the lack of talent because of injury and retirement
ReplyDeleteThe worst thing about last nights show why did those girls have one peice on they should have had on 2 peices
ReplyDeleteI know they looked like middle aged bikini match last night
ReplyDeleteLast night show was really good Im excited for Summer Slam
ReplyDeleteHey Guy's are you ready for Summer Slam?
ReplyDeleteI wrote a couple of e-mail's and I got a big suprise coming at 3 PM on here I hope you guys like it
ReplyDeleteThe reason they had the girls where that one peice is because today is Linda McMhanons election day there not trying to mess up anything with the votes
ReplyDeleteWhats the suprise Ryan?
ReplyDeleteLinda is leading in the polls and looks like she might pull out the under dog victory but we will have to wait and see much later tonight
ReplyDeleteRyan you got a suprise?
ReplyDeleteGreat Write up Ryan!
ReplyDeleteVince changed his entire company for her she better win the PG rating sucks I miss PG 13
ReplyDeleteRyan do you think Vince will change the rating back after her campagin?
ReplyDeleteI hope he does I liked it alot a couple of years ago
ReplyDeleteWhats Up WWE UNIVERSE! How are you guys today?
ReplyDeleteAre you guys ready for Summer Slam?
ReplyDeleteHey Cena are you ready for Sunday?
ReplyDeleteRyan you brought out CENA?
ReplyDeleteJohn Cena you are hot I hope you know that
ReplyDeleteCena can you give us a little insight into how your week is gonna go?
ReplyDeleteDo you feel the world of the WWE Universe on your back?
ReplyDeleteIm very ready for Sunday Im getting prepared mentally and I hope to get some good workouts in so I can kick some Nexus Tail
ReplyDeleteRight now and all week Im gonna workout and get ready for the match.Also Im looking forward to seeing you guys at WWE ALL AXXESS
ReplyDeleteDo you feel that you have the best team going into Sunday?
ReplyDeleteCena who is the hottest diva to you?
ReplyDeleteI do have the best team going into Sunday after last night we are solid once again.The Nexus days are numbered and they know that were going into Summer Slam as a well oiled machiene
ReplyDeleteCena you rock for coming here
ReplyDeleteRyan you are a fool for this one brother YEAH!
ReplyDeleteRyan your the best man
ReplyDeleteWhat Nexus guy can you not wait to get your hands on John?
ReplyDeleteI love you John I hope you win this weekend I will be watching
ReplyDeleteAll the divas are smart powerful and Sexy
ReplyDeleteCena you are sexy!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Sherri John can you just say my name?
ReplyDeleteThat was the corporate answer he just gave about the dvas LOL
ReplyDeleteI cant wait to get my hands on Wade Barret Im going for the leader and I cant wait to rip his head off
ReplyDeleteHi Sherri how are you? Thank you for your support
ReplyDeleteLMAO Look at Ryan getting some Rank!
ReplyDeleteYeah Cena the CNATION will be with you 100% Sunday
ReplyDeleteCena we love you OMG I cant believe you have stayed and talked
ReplyDeleteIm starting to have a hard time getting some of my comments through you guys bare with me a little
ReplyDeleteGO RYAN!
ReplyDeleteYou are the man Ryan
ReplyDeleteI love this blog and we have not forgotten we love you Ms.A!
ReplyDeleteMs.A we love you!
ReplyDeleteAwww I love you guys too! I see letting Ryan go on his own is working!
ReplyDeleteCena what do you still enjoying being a babyface?
ReplyDeleteDo you still want another shot at the title Cena?
ReplyDeleteMs.A is forever apart of the WWE Universe we all love her plus she post some awesome music
ReplyDeleteOf course I want another shot at the title but I have to end these Nexus guys first for the good of the sport of wrestling we love so much
ReplyDeleteI love the role I'am right now as a BabyFace
ReplyDeleteIm ordering the PPV for sure I cant wait to see you kick ass Cena
ReplyDeleteYou rock Cena we love you
ReplyDeleteAwh thanks Cena...you guys have fun now :)
ReplyDeleteCena if you could marry any diva who would it be?
ReplyDeleteCena do you come to the blog often just to read on days Ms.A is not talking about posting?
ReplyDeleteJohn I dont know if you could speak out of character for a minute but what music do you like to listen to John Cena the man not the character
ReplyDeleteCena who are some of your favorite artist?
ReplyDeleteDo you still rap? who are your favorite rappers? right now and of all time
ReplyDeleteI actually come here every day and read Im an real music fan and I love the art of music.I always said if I was not wrestling I would have made an attempt at music
ReplyDeleteDo you find it as one of your major accomplishments that you sold a million records?
ReplyDeleteI love you so much Cena!
ReplyDeleteIm a real hip-hop fan I love Rock music and I love country and 80's pop music
ReplyDeleteMy favorite rappers of all time Snoop Dogg,Eminem,Biggie,and Jay-Z
ReplyDeleteCena you are so cool to answer this
ReplyDeleteIm not a huge fan of mainstream rap music right now I feel like alot of artist are taking rap as a joke and I dont like that.But I do listen to a few underground artist right now that I think are really good.J.Electronica,Whiz Khalifa,and Nicki Minaj are the people Im listening to heavy thats new other than the new Eminem CD
ReplyDeleteI love you so much Cena you are my hero
ReplyDeleteWWE UNITE!
ReplyDeleteWho are some of those artist he named?
ReplyDeleteMs.A can you translate do you know them?
ReplyDeleteYes I still love to freestyle me,R-Truth,Kofi,and The Miz has had some classic battles I love to still freestyle
ReplyDeleteI thought I knew hip hop and I dont know who some of those rappers are except Nicki
ReplyDeletewhat you know about Wiz Khalifa Cena?
ReplyDeleteLook those artist up there really dope if you love hip hop
ReplyDeleteJ electronica is a MC from New orleans who is boiling up really hard underground, Wiz Khalifa is a rapper from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and he has a pretty big following right now I think he might be next if he has the right single and Nicki Minaj is a female rapper from Ny thats making a lot of noise now :)
ReplyDeleteI dont look at me selling a million records as a regular artist would because its tainted because of my affiliation with the WWE but it is pretty fun to sit back and say it went platinum
ReplyDeleteMs.A to the rescue!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you know about Wiz Ms.A the guy is nice really nice
ReplyDeleteI agree I love his mixtape Kush and orange juice
ReplyDeleteMs.A is the human Ipod I knew she would know about it all
ReplyDeleteDamn Ms.A you really do know about everyone! God this blog is really informative!
ReplyDeleteOK you guys I got to get to training and WWE management has blown up my phone,email,and text about coming out of character.So Im gonna go take my slap on the wirst from them but it was more than worth it I needed this just being me for a minute I had a great time talking to you guys especially about music
ReplyDeleteThank you Ryan for inviting me and keep up the great man your doing great
ReplyDeleteI like you so much more now CENA! he's a real guy WWE UNIVERSE!
ReplyDeleteMs.A Im sorry if I caused issues on your blog I know some comments arent coming through.
ReplyDeleteI cant believe he is a real guy OMG it sucks that he has to stay in character all the time he is cool and know music
ReplyDeletenot a problem at all
ReplyDeleteEverybody watch Summer Slam so you can see our great sport taken back to where it belongs the WWE UNIVERSE and not the Nexus.We will prevail SAU and WWE Universe
ReplyDeleteBye guys
ReplyDeleteWWE management sucks for not letting him be himself!
ReplyDeleteRyan you rock man thank you so much
ReplyDeleteWWE MANAGEMENT SUCKS BALLS! we were getting to know our champ WE LOVE YOU CENA!
ReplyDeleteBOOOOO dont chastise him WWE he didnt say nothing wrong he talked about what he liked in his own time
ReplyDeleteWe LOVE YOU CENA Im a 30 year old man and I like you now
ReplyDeleteHe even gave the trademark Diva signuture line he didnt do nothing to effect the company
ReplyDeleteBoooooo WWE that was bull
ReplyDeleteI would love to know what divas he finds sexy
ReplyDeleteIn that short amount of time I realized he is human
ReplyDeleteI just looked the Whiz Kalifa up he is not the only one who knew about him
ReplyDeleteMs.A you are right the Wiz khalifa guy has a lot of people following him!
ReplyDeleteIts been a great day anyway Ryan Thank you
ReplyDeleteGo Ryan!
ReplyDeleteI love you Ryan thank you for making this happen
ReplyDeleteThank you Ryan you rock
ReplyDeleteGreat job Ryan this was cool
ReplyDeleteI will be ordering Summer Slam I cant wait
ReplyDeleteThat picture of melina is sexy
ReplyDeleteThank you so much you guys Im trying to do good and make you guys happy and excited.I hope you enjoyed him coming on here it was alot of fun.
ReplyDeleteThanks John
ReplyDeleteGo Ryan!
ReplyDeleteGreat Job today Ryan
ReplyDeleteGo RYAN!
ReplyDeleteCena is so cool I like him now