Raw started off with the Nexus walking down to the ring ,once in the ring, Barrett took the mic to describe the events last night. Barrett said they defeated six WWE stars last night and rumors of their demise are greatly exaggerated. Barrett said they are still united and focused on dominating WWE. He said they're still focused on taking down WWE and last night's events were a mere aberration.
Cue up John Cena's music with the interruption. Cena came out on-stage with a big smile on his face after the win last night at Summerslam. Cena mocked Barrett's attempt to talk tough, then reminded Barrett that he tapped out last night. Cena said, "To hell with Stallone, Willis, and Austin, the Nexus are The Expendables." He referenced Daniel Bryan, noting Nexus made a mistake kicking him out of the ring. He said Bryan eliminated half of Nexus by himself. Cena said Nexus was viewed as an indestructible group going into Summerslam, but the events at the PPV proved they are human. Cena said they're going to do something never before - look at the Nexus members as individuals.
Cena started with David Otunga. He called him a "below average male escort who clings to someone's arm on the red carpet." He called Michael Tarver a cheap male escort moon-lighting as a bank robber. Heath Slater is next. He must be the chick from Wendy's..Cena than addressed Darren Young. Cena noted the resemblance to him and said he knew it - his mom had an affair with Buckwheat. He said Justin Gabriel has an "alternative way of thinking." He said it must have gone over Skip Sheffield's head. And he can actually read Skip's mind right now: "Meow meow meow meow meow."
After the "PG interlude for the kids," Cena went back into promo mode to suggest Summerslam last night was the place where Nexus was history after they claimed to have a higher power leading them to total domination. Darren Young tried to interrupt, but Cena cut him off, noting he tapped out in less than a minute. He called him the weakest link. Right from the Livecast before Raw.
The MacBook then buzzed and Michael Cole walked to the podium. Cole said they're continuing Summerslam tonight. Each member of Nexus will compete against Team WWE in a series of matches. Outside interference from Nexus will be met with "swift and appropriate consequences." Barrett followed with more words. He said it's an opportunity for redemption and a chance to re-examine Nexus. The crowd chanted, "You tapped out," to interrupt Barrett. Cena said Barrett is going to need a whole lot of redemption. Barrett didn't take too kindly to the interruption. He said they'll examine whether there are any weak links here in Nexus. He said if there are any weak links, they will be weeded out. Barrett said if anyone in Nexus is not victorious tonight, they will be exiled from the group. "One way or another, by the end of tonight, Nexus will be stronger than ever."
David Otunga took the mic and told Barrett that also applies to him. Otunga said if he loses, any one of them will be more than happy to take over. And the MacBook buzzed. Cena noted the annoyance. Cole read the latest email, that Nexus gets to choose who they face tonight. Well, except for Wade Barrett, who is up next against his NXT Pro, Chris Jericho. Nexus then talked to each other, with Barrett pointing to the other members to get the job done tonight.
1 -- CHRIS JERICHO vs. WADE BARRETT -- If Barrett loses, he's out of Nexus

The bell sounded and Jericho then took the attack to Barrett early on. Jericho went up top for a high-risk attack, but Barrett big-booted him off the top to the floor. Barrett pounded on Jericho, then took him back into the ring and slapped on a submission hold. After a few minutes Jericho started to turn the tides and gather offence on Barrett.
Jericho teased the Walls of Jericho, but Barrett countered with a leg whip. He tried to follow with his finisher, but Jericho rolled to the ground and slapped on the Walls of Jericho. Barrett made it to the bottom rope, through, for a break. Jericho complained to the ref, giving Barrett an opening for a big boot for a two count. Jericho then tried to come back with the codebreaker, but Barrett grabbed Jericho around the legs and pulled him into overhead slam position to execute his finisher. Barrett quickly made the cover for the win. They cut to the locker room to show Nexus nodding their approval with the victory. Barrett, holding his head, left the ring with a smile on his face as he stared back at Jericho in the ring.
RYAN'S ANGLE: Very good match to show that Wade has true talent in the ring and at points Chris made him look really good as well.I didnt know how the Nexus was gonna regain heat after there Summer Slam defeat but this is a good start.Overall I give it 3/5*
2 -- DANIEL BRYAN vs. MICHAEL TARVER -- If Tarver loses, he's out of Nexus

The crowd opened with "Daniel Bryan" chants. Of course Cole had to go into his hatred promos about Bryan at the start of the match whie Bryan had the upper hand on Tarver. Cole continued his anti-Bryan spiel as Bryan executed some strong offense on Tarver. Bryan landed kick strikes, then a rapid-fire series of kicks in the corner. Bryan then ducked underneath Tarver and executed a dropkick. He went up top and landed a double-foot missile dropkick before firing himself up. Suddenly, Miz and Alex Riley stormed ringside to taunt Bryan. Apparently that didn't count as outside interference. Tarver then rolled up Bryan from behind and scored a pin.
Post-match: Bryan came flying through the ropes with a suicide dive taking out Miz and Riley. Bryan pounded on Miz with right hands until Riley got from behind. Tarver tried to join in and Bryan fought him off. The numbers game caught up to Bryan and they rammed him into the guardrail. Miz then placed the MITB briefcase on the floor and he nailed the Skullcrushing Finale into the case. Miz and Riley talked trash and Bryan sold face-first on the mat. Cole, Miz, and Riley talked trash in various forms as Bryan sold to draw sympathy to conclude the segment.
RYAN'S ANGLE:Good booking. Tarver won to push Nexus to 2-0 tonight, they got heat on Miz and Riley as a unit, Bryan got in some fired-up offense, they also built up Bryan as a sympathetic figure, and set up a program with the audience ready to see him be the one to give Miz some true competition. Overall 3/5*
3 -- RANDY ORTON vs. JUSTIN GABRIEL -- If Gabriel loses, he's out of Nexus

They came face-to-face after the opening bell and Orton glared down at Gabriel, who shoved him in the chest. Gabriel landed a few kick strikes, but Orton began dominating the match. Orton was in control, ready to take it home, but, suddenly, WWE champion Sheamus showed up ringside. Orton rolled to the outside and they started fighting on the outside before taking it over the guardrail to the front row. The ref reached a ten count and Orton was counted out, giving Gabriel the win. Meanwhile, Orton and Sheamus continued to brawl among the fans. Roberts then announced Gabriel as the winner, giving Orton pause.
Orton, having taken out Sheamus, then charged the rung, spun Gabriel around, and dropped him with the RKO. Orton wasn't done, as he left the ring to find a chair to his liking. The crowd was hot for Orton, who blasted Sheamus over and over across the back with the chair. Refs tried to intervene as Orton shouted to let out his frustration from not winning the WWE Title at Summerslam. "Randy Orton has snapped here tonight," Lawler said. The crowd chanted his name as he rubbed his face on the way out. Orton then stopped and decided he wasn't done. Orton sprinted to the other side of the ring by the announcers and dropped Sheamus with an RKO on the padded floor. Orton pounded the announce table, shot a sinister grin to the crowd, and his music played. Orton looked at his hands and Cole said something at Summerslam sent him off. He posed on the entrance ramp to conclude the segment.
RYAN'S ANGLE: Attention all upcoming wrestlers and all other wrestlers in the WWE locker room that is how you cut an amazing promo! Everything was perfect the crowd had tons of heat for Orton.Orton had great facial expressions selling it on point.I have not seen a promo cut like that since Stone Cold Steve Austin..... excellent job you are on top of your game Randy overall 5/5*
4 -- JOHN CENA vs. DARREN YOUNG -- If Young loses, he's out of Nexus
Lawler suggested there's an "uneasy feeling" hovering over the match due to Nexus being able to re-establish dominance tonight with all victories thus far. Lawler, as the babyface color commentator, should have noted that not all of the wins were due to Nexus's efforts, but because of extenuating circumstances. That wasn't brought up due to WWE needing to distort the truth to re-build the group as a threat in the eyes of the fans. Cena and Young exchanged holds early on but Cena powered out of a chinlock and Lawler noted Cena can "seem like Superman" at times. Young methodically worked on Cena before chucking him to the floor.
They reached the top of the hour with Young following Cena to the outside and ramming him head-first into the ring steps. Cole reset the show as they cut to a shot of Nexus standing on the stage watching intently. Young then dropkicked the ring steps into Cena and re-entered the ring. Ref Jack Doane did a very slow ten count, exposing the lack of consistency following the super-fast count during Edge vs. Slater. Doane reached nine, then Cena hopped up and baseball slid into the ring. Naturally, Cena started his big comeback routine and gritted his teeth to suggest he was just fine. Cena set up the Five Knuckle Shuffle and connected. Young then walked into the Attitude Adjustment, but Young elbowed out. He tried a sunset flip, but Cena countered into the STF. After a few moments, Young tapped out, giving Cena the win. Young is gone from Nexus.
Post-match: Nexus ran down to ringside to surround the ring. Cena looked around as Nexus collectively hopped onto the ring apron. Cena had a back-door exit out of the ring and he opted to take it. Cena hopped down to the floor and watched as Nexus stared back at him. Nexus then walked into the ring and circled Darren Young, who pulled himself up and apologized to Barrett. David Otunga then jumped Young from behind and they mauled him.
Nexus pounded on Young with forearms, leading to Skip hitting his trademark lariat. Barrett picked up jelly-legged Darren Young and dropped him with a big overhead slam. They dragged Young to the corner, then Gabriel was instructed to finish him off. Gabriel paused, then hit the big 450 splash. Gabriel stared down at Young, somewhat remorseful for having to take out a former member. Tarver put his hand on his shoulder, as if to say it was necessary. The six remaining members of Nexus then stood tall in the ring with the camera focused on Wade Barrett to close the show.
RYAN'S FINAL THOUGHT:This was a love it or hate it kind of a show. The booking and the idea for the two-hour show made sense on paper, but the sum of the parts wasn't necessarily stronger than the individual parts. WWE depended on Nexus to carry the entire episode and that might have turned away some viewers not sold on the group as individuals, or not sold on the group as a threat anymore after the Summerslam main event. Also, WWE didn't create much of a hook for next week or a sense of anticipation to see what the next chapter is. Yes, Nexus might find another member to replace Darren Young, and, yes, Young could side with Cena or Daniel Bryan in the follow-up - unless he's shipped back to FCW - but the lack of a hook involving established stars, e.g. Cena, Orton, Edge, Jericho, and Sheamus, might impact viewers's interest in the program going forward to the all-important fall season up against Monday Night Football. WWE needs a strong follow-up to the
follow-up on next week's Raw, which was taped on last night aswell.
Last night show was pretty good but I find myself more interested in Smackdown with the Undertaker and Kane at the moment
ReplyDeleteWith Nexsus losing Sunday its gonna be hard for them to get fired back up
ReplyDeleteWhy did they film 2 shows lat night? I hate when they do that are they trying to cut on production cost?
ReplyDeleteI cant believe Randy's moment.....Spectacular I was in the moment with him I felt I was there
ReplyDeleteOrton is just on FIRE!
ReplyDeleteRandy is at the top of his game right now
ReplyDeleteSummer Slam was good but it was just a little unevan
ReplyDeleteRandy is the top superstar not named Cena easily
ReplyDeleteI think that with Darren leaving they will be stronger because he cant wrestle at all
ReplyDeleteI cant believe Randy went off on Sheamus like that I was so caught in the moment it was intense I loved it
ReplyDeleteI love SummerSlam I cant believed the Undertaker returned
ReplyDeleteIm so happy Daniel is back he was needed his and the miz fued will be epic
ReplyDeleteRyan you said he was coming back good job man
ReplyDeleteI would have rathered them kick out Otanga than Young but I know that wouldnt happen
ReplyDeleteWhats up WWE universe did you guys enjoy Summer Slam?
ReplyDeleteGreat job Ryan you called it when other sites was saying he was gonna go to TNA
ReplyDeleteOH SHIT MS.A!
ReplyDeleteHi Stranger how are you Ms.A?
ReplyDeleteMs.A you forgot about us we love Ryan but we love you to
ReplyDeleteI loved Summer Slam very good show the Undertaker and Daniel were great comebacks
ReplyDeleteI love Summer Slam I cant believe Cena won for WWE that was great
ReplyDeleteMs.A your the best we love you
ReplyDeleteYou guys are on this blog every week so of course I haven't forgotten about you guys! I loved Summer slam Cena winning it all Daniel and The undertaker were my favorites but didn't it take the undertaker a long time to get out of that casket? LOL!
ReplyDeleteI better stop before he comes and gets my ass I'm still nervous about him LOL
ReplyDeleteSummer Slam was great but Orton's rage last night was classic.Did you see it Ms.A?
ReplyDeleteSummer Slam was great Im so happy Melina came back the world is right again I love her.
ReplyDeleteLOL he did take a long time to get out of that casket I was nervous
ReplyDeleteWere gonna get you a costume like Melina had Ms.A will you take a picture and post it?
ReplyDeleteI love Randy Orton he goes into these rages that are classic they hype me up everytime I rage with him!
ReplyDeleteOMG I forgot about Melina's mardi gras indian costume it was beautifully bright right?
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say hi to you guys I'll let Mr. Professional Ryan do his thing
ReplyDeleteMelina's ass was so hot that night!
ReplyDeleteI want Orton to be champ so bad!
ReplyDeleteMs.A is so freaking cool I love you Ms.A!
ReplyDeleteDont be a stranger Ms.A! we were starting to think you didnt like us
ReplyDeleteCome talk to us atleast once a week we love you and we come to your site all throughout the week we love it.Dont forget about us Ms.A
ReplyDeleteI love me some Randy Orton
ReplyDeleteMelina's gear was beautiful
ReplyDeleteIm so happy she won!
ReplyDeleteMs.A your the best
ReplyDeleteI wish they would make Randy Champion
ReplyDeleteRandy Orton Spaz last night was great I really enjoyed it I got really excited for the first time in a long time
ReplyDeleteLast night show was ok but I thought it could be better
ReplyDeleteMelina looked great at Summer Slam she worked it out
ReplyDeleteHey everybody I got big news coming in a few minutes an exclusive
ReplyDeleteThe site is not messing up anymore I was getting worried Ryan are you there?
ReplyDeleteIm here guys I couldnt get the site to load up I got some news for you guys
ReplyDeleteAs you guys know there was 2 Raw tapings last night at the Staples Center.Im not a spoiler journalist so I wont say what happened at the taping but I will announce what my sources told me.At night of the champions WWE's next PPV the main event will be Sheamus VS Randy Orton VS John Cena VS Wade Barrett VS EDGE in a six pack challenge match for the WWE Championship
ReplyDeleteThe reason they taped 2 shows is not because of production cost they will be in Tokyo this weekend for the first time ever.So they will not be back in time for Monday
ReplyDeleteThat is huge you guys!
ReplyDeleteThats one hell of a main event
ReplyDeleteThats great news to hear we got a direction to go in you guys
ReplyDeleteGood reporting Ryan
ReplyDeletethat is huge news Ryan
ReplyDeleteI wonder how there gonna tie this in with the other nexus members I can picture a really good story line
ReplyDeleteYES there is no better main event for that ppv good job WWE
ReplyDeleteSome news on Tiffany you guys her suspension is indefinete.The WWE will not even review her case until after her September 6th court date.Its not looking good for Tiffany no one told me this but knowing the WWE history against wrestlers messing with the brand and with Linda running a campagin it looks like Tiffany will be released
ReplyDeleteIts so sad to see this happen Im praying for them
ReplyDeleteThe women's division is in peril Smackdown is hurting there gonna have to make a move
ReplyDeleteRyan what do you think the WWE should do about the women there is a huge problem
ReplyDeleteI feel that the WWE needs to Unify the titles they cant hold up with 2 its not possible the Smackdown rostor is dry.No one can challenge LayCool as mush as I love Kelly and she is my favorite she is just not ready to believeablly be champion.So that could make a drought and Laycool will just hold the belts for months.A quick fix is to ship Gail Kim to Smackdown somehow I dont care if it makes sense for a story or not she needs to go there ASAP
ReplyDeleteIf Gail goes there Kelly can learn from her and partner them to up there both babyfaces.But the ultimate solution is to unify the titles and let the women go from show to show and not put a wall up on them and say these are smackdown and this is raw
ReplyDeleteSome good news for the women's division is Beth Phoenix has announced that she is about 2 months away from returning from injury.She will also be at the FCW this weekend in Florida if anyone can make it down there she will be signing autographs
ReplyDeleteGreat ideas Ryan Gail needs to go now
ReplyDeleteThe womens division is in hell
ReplyDeleteSummerSlam was a good show I really enjoyed it and Randy Orton did a great job last night
ReplyDeletei love john cena