During an interview with Ms. Angie Martinez of Hot 97, Kanye West Proclaimed Ms. Nicki Minaj has the potential to be no. 2 best rapper behind Eminem.
"The scariest artist in the game right now… The scariest artist is definitely Nicki Minaj," he told Hot 97.
"And I think she has the most potential out of everyone to be the number two rapper of all time because nobody’s gonna be bigger than Eminem. Eminem’s the number one rapper of all time."
West also confirmed that Minaj will feature on his new album, due out on November 16.
Best in the world?... just a tad bit to early to for see for me, especially with the world not seeing what Nicki has to officially offer..But with the hype surrounding Nicki right now, she absolutely has that shot to be a force...We sure shall see...Great co-sign though and an opinion is an opinion....
Great co-sign go Nicki!
ReplyDeleteI think thats alot of pressure to put on her but great co-sign
ReplyDeleteKanye is such a dick rider some times I love his music but he is on Nicki's Jock she is good but #2 all time........REALLY! and Eminem best of all time? get the fuck out of here
ReplyDeleteA year from now when Em's CD has died down he will be saying Jay-Z or Drake or Lil Wayne
ReplyDeleteNobody wants to admit it but EM is the best of all time nobody can compare
ReplyDeleteAfter you look past all of the sales and the great songs and #1's which he has what rapper can take him in battle?
ReplyDeleteHer the 2nd best I dont know......No diss to her I love her but second best ever?
ReplyDeleteI wonder how she feels about him saying that
ReplyDeleteGreat co-sign nonetheless
ReplyDeleteIt will always be the greatest debut in hip hop more so than biggie and Tupac.Talking about if Eminem is the best ever and he is but not many people will say it.
ReplyDeleteI like Nicki and all but number 2? nah
ReplyDeletethey don't want to give it to Eminem because he's white but he is the best but Nicki won't be number 2 I like her but thats too much right now
ReplyDeleteIf you say Jay go listen to the blueprint Em rapped circles around him.....If you say Wayne go listen to forever......If you say biggie or Tupac just think about it would Biggie really want to battle EM? Tupac would be a good fight but EM will win
ReplyDeleteEminem is the best fuck everything else
ReplyDeleteI cant believe Kanye disrespected his man Jay like that by saying EM is the best.White Boy good really good but Jay is the best
ReplyDeleteEm wouldn't beat tupac though
ReplyDeleteif Ms.A was to post hit em up or shead so many tears by tupac GAME OVER!
ReplyDeleteJay got all of those #1's,he got the money,the baddest woman on the planet,a basketball team he got it all and he made Empire State nuff said
ReplyDeleteits pac thats is Tupac is the best to ever do it hands down
ReplyDeleteEM would beat Tupac nobody want to say it because he is white keep it real.But EM would murder anybody on the Mic anybody
ReplyDeleteSecond of all Tupac was over rated and so was Biggie we just consider them the best because they had the beef and unfortunetly they died
ReplyDeleteEm would never beat tupac
ReplyDeletewhoever said tupac was overrated should sit down Pac was the best to do it Em in number 2
ReplyDeleteIm a Jay fan but to the person who said the money and the team and Beyonce what does that have to do with him being the best? Who your screwing at night does not make you the best
ReplyDeletewe will look over what he said about Nicki because I can't agree with that never because truth be told Nicki is hot now but Kim can MC and so can Lauryn hill and Foxy so Nicki has to be a better MC first I don't like Kim as a woman but truthfully she is better than Nicki in MCing
ReplyDeleteAnd Empire State will live forever but if you notice when the play it for those of you who live in New York would know.When they play Empire State at fancy balls are events they play Alicia' version.Jay Version is only for the club's but nice events its Alicia version playing that will be remembered for decades
ReplyDeleteI agree with that last comment Kim is dissrespectful as FUCK but she could rap in her day
ReplyDeleteits tupac then Em then Jay
ReplyDeletewell good afternoon to you too SAU!
ReplyDeleteMs.A WHATS UP!
ReplyDeleteHey Ms.A how are you today?
ReplyDeleteTupac was never overrated!
ReplyDeleteYes Tupac was I give him 3rd best of all time
ReplyDeleteHi Ms.A how are you today?
ReplyDeleteBiggie is the greatest hands down than Jay
ReplyDeleteKanye goes over board sometimes but I do think Nicki can be the greatest female rapper of all time
ReplyDeleteI don't know about Nicki being the best she has a lot of hurdles to get over first
ReplyDeleteEM is the best how can yall not say that? Who could really be better? Im not say ing the others are not great but EM will smash everybody
ReplyDeleteEM is the best ever!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNicki will kill Kim on the Mic but being the #2 greatest EVER........Eminem and Tupac is the best rappers to ever do it I cant choose one
ReplyDeleteKanye is talking to much as usual
ReplyDeleteDo the world a favor Kanye shut up and just make music man
ReplyDeleteIf this was the late 90's Kim would Kill Nicki but I don't know now
ReplyDeleteJay has earned the right to be the best ever how can you dispute that?
ReplyDeleteKanye that was a really strong opinion man a little too strong for me
ReplyDeleteJay has the entire package and he dont write rhymes!
ReplyDeleteJay can't compare to Em in the rhymes Em already proved that
ReplyDeletehe don't write rhymes other people write them for him LOL
ReplyDeleteNobody wants to give Eminem respect because he is white he will rap circles around big and tupac and Jay(Which he has already done)
ReplyDeleteEM will murder all 3 of those niggas
ReplyDeleteYou cant dispute Eminem everyone will but you really cant if he was black he would be the greatsest rapper ever 12 times over
ReplyDeletehow can we compare Tupac and Biggie to anyone? They did what they did so the newer rappers EM Jay etc had time to take in what they did and learn from it. we should keep them out of this because we don't know how they would be now
ReplyDeleteso the rappers after them Em is the best
ReplyDeleteTo that last comment how can we leave them out of this? They were both good rappers but the only reason they are considered the best is because they died! Biggie had 1 album before he and he is the best? Lets say Drake is the best than he has 1 album......Tupac was more of a poet and a great one but as far as rapping we put both of them on to high of a pedastal
ReplyDeleteI know biggie didnt wish to die but thats how history played out
ReplyDeletePac wasn't overratted man he was the fucking truth the best to ever do it
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking that for a long time but never dared to say anything
ReplyDeletePac was not overratted but I give him 2nd best I cant deny EM
ReplyDeletethe mere fact that we are still comparing Big and Pac to rappers now shows that they were two of the best to do it no bullshit
ReplyDeleteI agree with the last comment if they weren't so good then why hasn't their legacy died down yet?
ReplyDeletethats a good point!
ReplyDeleteWith this mentality about Pac and Biggie like there invinsible and no one can ever over take them.There's only 2 people who get the right to know that they will always be the greatest and that's Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones.Biggie and Pac was the best of there time but the greatest now is EM.Just like in sports the best player in basketball 30 years ago was Bill Russell and than Michael Jordan came along.That does not mean Bill aint great because he is but Michael came along and took the game to a new level.And thats what EM and Jay has done to rap its on another level its passed Pac and Biggie but both of them are still great
ReplyDeleteWere only still comparing them because us black folks wont give EM his due and we just want to hold on and not let Jay have his rightful place at #2
ReplyDeleteWe are to scared to say it we dont want to look like fools Kanye aint the first rapper to say EM is the best Drake said it a couple weeks ago.I commend them for making the right choice and speaking pubicly
ReplyDeleteIf EM was black this would be a different conversation
ReplyDeleteI agree with a couple of comments up Michael and Quincy are the only ones that can not be toppled the rest is fair game things change
ReplyDeletePac is the best I dont care and I wont let it go
ReplyDeletePac is the best! Em is number 2
ReplyDeleteI dont get it when I look at the Wiki's for all artist EM is the clear cut winner what makes the others better than him?
ReplyDeleteBiggie forever
ReplyDeleteJay is #1 he is the best to do it hands down
ReplyDeleteTupac is the best to ever do it I love EM but I still have to give it to Pac
ReplyDeleteKanye talks to much
ReplyDeleteBig is the best to do it no question
ReplyDeleteThan comes Jay he is a living legend no doubt
ReplyDeleteJay can be beat he has so many songs and albums he got more #1 albums than the Beetles........THE BEETLES PEOPLE
ReplyDeleteI have to give it to Jay being the best he does have alot of great albums and they all went #1
ReplyDeleteI love ya Kanye but that was a very bold statement about Nicki
ReplyDeleteTupac and Jay are my personal favorite rappers but now I have to say Eminem is the greatest
ReplyDeleteMs.A who do you think is the best?
ReplyDeleteLets see what the human Ipod has to say
ReplyDeleteMs.A where are you?
ReplyDeleteWe should have asked her a long time ago
ReplyDeleteI think its Biggie Ms.A am I right?
ReplyDeleteEM is the best numbers dont lie
ReplyDeleteMs.A where are you?
ReplyDeletePac is the best why are we even talking about this
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry SAU give me one second...
ReplyDeleteTupac could out Rhyme anybody
ReplyDeleteMs.A can you come tell these people that Biggie is the best followed by Jay
ReplyDeleteEM is the greatest look at the album solds and the #1's.Jay just had his first #1 at 40
ReplyDeleteMs.A will settle this dont worry numbers dont lie
ReplyDeleteOK SAU this question s so complex its unreal but I will first say to say that Tupac is overrated is pure bullshit.....In my opinion
ReplyDeleteI agree he is great and #3 in my book
ReplyDeleteTupac and I will say Biggie set the tempo for everyone else to come after so I don't think we can ever say they were overrated because if you look at it if you didn't have BIG would you have Jay-z? and if you didn't have the ruthless mouth of Tupac would you have Eminem?
ReplyDeletebut now in this era of music that we are in Eminem is it...IN THIS ERA...he can freestyle like noone's business his flow& delivery is unreal he can make a song and a Mixtape back to back and they both sound like completely different artists. So in this era Em has it and then others follow in my opinion but I don't think Em is the best to ever do it.
ReplyDeleteTELL EM Ms.A!
ReplyDeletebut like I said this is my opinion only, that doesn't mean its gold or anything because this is a question that will go on forever and no matter how many "Best rapper" countdowns we have someone will always disagree...
ReplyDeleteIf you dont think that he is the best to do it than who is Ms.A?
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ms.A she made a good point
ReplyDeleteShe gets it because he is not the best to do it
ReplyDeleteshe is right if Tupac wasn't wreckless as hell Eminem wouldn't have a shot good point Ms.A
ReplyDeleteWho is the best than Ms.A?
ReplyDeleteThe sad part is that there is no way to tell because Pac is dead and I give it to Pac he was ruthless but can he come off on a beat how Em can? I have never heard anyone come off like that
ReplyDeleteMs.A who is the best?
ReplyDeleteMs.A who is the best?
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion Mr. Shakur was the best to do it he mixed a poetic style and concious rap into something mainstream and never held back with his raps. Some people feel they should censor themselves for the public but if you go into his catalog that man never censored himself. And 'Dear mama' being one of 25 songs that will be added to the National Recording Registry in 2010 that shows a lot you have no choice but to feel that man.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that
ReplyDeleteDamn I didn't know that either
ReplyDeleteHe's only the third rapper to be entered into it along with Grand Master Flash and I wanna say Public enemy....If I remember correctly
ReplyDeleteMs.A just dropped some knowlege on you bitches
ReplyDeleteIm going with Tupac he is the best to ever do it he goes so hard
ReplyDeleteI can't do anything but respect that Ms.A
ReplyDeleteFUCK! Ms.A always makes me think twice shit Ms.A
ReplyDeleteI'm mad at you for that one Ms.A LOL
ReplyDeleteLMAO Ms.A shut this shit down!