In electronic music, a loop is a sample which is repeated. Loops may be repeated through the use of tape loops, delay effects, cutting between two record players, sampling, a sampler or computer software.
While repetition is used in the musics of all cultures the first musicians to use loops were electronic pioneers Pierre Henry, Edgard Varèse and Karlheinz Stockhausen. Stockhausen's music in turn influenced the Beatles to experiment with tape loops, and their use of loops in early psychedelic works (most notably 1966's "Tomorrow Never Knows" and 1968's avant-garde "Revolution 9") brought the technique into the mainstream. Later, inspired by Terry Riley's use of one tape on two tape machines, Brian Eno and Robert Fripp created the technical basis for their (No Pussyfooting) album - this technological concept was later dubbed Frippertronics.
One great example of a Musical Loop "Frooty Loop" Or whatever term you choose is...
Ms.A are you a mind reader? I'm working on my loops as we speak and my shit can't hit like I want it to :(
ReplyDeleteThis Kanye went so hard I haven't heard it in forever
ReplyDeletedoes that mean the sample keeps going over and over in lamen terms?
ReplyDeleteI've never heard this Kanye song
ReplyDeleteKanye killed his loop
ReplyDeleteProducers are usually lazy when they do loops but Kanye's was very good
ReplyDeleteGreat explanation Ms.A
ReplyDeleteI think Ms.A is a professor of music she knows everything
ReplyDeleteLooping is such an art that is lost because of the lazy ass up and coming producers that find the easiest part of the sample to loop what happened to the creativity?
ReplyDeleteI feel special I knew what a loop was go me go me Im gonna be just like Ms.A one day
ReplyDeleteOk maybe set the bar to high for myself LOL
ReplyDeleteI love that song by Kanye
ReplyDeleteGreat interpetaition Ms.A
ReplyDeleteGreat read Ms.A
ReplyDeleteProducers rely on them nowadays to be lazy and none creative but when done right they sound beautiful like the track above
ReplyDeleteI get it Ms.A
ReplyDeleteThese new producers are so lazy there quick to use a loop but Kanye's took time and talent
ReplyDeleteMs.A is the human Ipod and best music teacher I love her
ReplyDeleteMs.A do you teach some where?
ReplyDeleteDo you have a PHD in music Ms.A?
ReplyDeleteLMAO yeah right SAU of course I don't have a PHD in music
ReplyDeleteMs.A you got something you are to smart in this