Thursday, August 13, 2009

When Is Enough....Enough?

Up late last night watching some form of video Channel and I realized Mr. Ricard Ross was in EVERY single video! And that's fine especially when your promoting for your album but SAU when Rick Ross Is fire burning on the dance floor with Sean kingston....I think that's enough! Its kinda like where's Waldow in the videos! he's everywhere. So quick question....can you ever promote yourself too much?


  1. I think you can very well promote yourself to much and Rick Ross is on the verge of doing that he is starting to seem more like a full-time video man than a rapper

  2. Rick Ross is officially a video man rapper guy!

  3. Hey Ms.A the comments were disabled for awhile but I think your back on.Man leave Rick Ross alone he is trying to become a star.I thought it was hilarious you called him Ricard

  4. Technical Tony to the rescue!!!! we will be upgrading soon don't worry!!

  5. Ricard Ross!! I love it Ms. A that personality of yours makes me look forward to this blog daily!

  6. LMFAO Ricard I love it but he has been in alot of videos lately.

  7. There trying to make him into one of the biggest stars in music but to keep appearing in videos is not the way to do it..... Ms.A Ricard you were wrong for that LOL

  8. I love your wittyness and style Ms.A

  9. He is in every video now adays I just realized that.LMAO at Ricard I love Ms.A
