Wednesday, August 5, 2009

ATT: Health Club...Is Karrine Stephans Wackko?

I found this video at and its of Darius McCrary going in on Karrine Stephans which from what I remember use to be her husband fiance' thingie? But this is Darius and others speaking their truth on Mrs. Stephans....SAU do we need to call the mental institution on this chick?


  1. She is the perfect example of a woman who is not wifey material at all!I cant even really blame her she is who she is but Darius is just flatout dumb ass!

  2. I love the new layout with the college in the background.

  3. DUDE eddie winslow looking old because of karine...he need to do the urkel dance LOL

  4. He is stupid he was datig superhead what did he think was gonna happen

  5. He is just stupid

  6. I have a question for the female students would you still date a man you knew had a sexual relationship with Superhead?

  7. There is no way in Hell would I date a man who had a relationship with Superhead.Call me wrong but in my mind thats asking for trouble.

  8. There is no way I would date him because that tells me he is not smart at all to begin with
