Friday, August 7, 2009

ATT: Science Club...Whatcha think?

OK I've tried to stay away from this guy but Stephan Marbury has been going bonkers lately!...First he crys uncontrollably but posts the youtube after he saw himself crying?,Next he eats Vaseline...and now he's dancing like this though? SAU Science Club, what's going on with Stephan? Is this all a joke or is he feeding into it now that everyone is watching? I think its kinda sad that when you fall off you are now subject to do crazy things for fame!


  1. *speechless*........ Lord help him

  2. His downward spiral is really sad

  3. I'm so tired of him he's lame on the court and he's lame at being sexy dancing!

  4. Dude needs to seriously get some help

  5. He needs to get help before he goes off the deep end

  6. He needs help there is no reason for him to be acting like that
