Thursday, August 6, 2009

Do I have Good Hair?

As many of you may have seen this trailer from Chris Rock's new documentary "Good Hair" it brings many thoughts to mind, One..I think its about time someone put us African American women on full blast and get to the meat of the problem! Because as a child I thought it was so unfair that I didn't have what little Suella had going down her back! I think this will be an amazing movie for everyone to see! Especially the part where they talk about not touching a Black woman's hair....Please fellas at SAU don't break the code! Whatcha think SAU?


  1. I hate when a man touches my hair during sex! That is for real the code don't touch a blk woman's hair!! I can't wait to go see this!

  2. LOL I learned the lesson of not touching a black woman's hair during sex the hard way.I cant wait to go see this movie I think its going to do very well.

  3. I cant wait to see this lord only know where I would be without exttensions.So I ask this to the class do you guys think you have good hair? I dont think I do mine is a puff ball and is very hard to manage.

  4. I have good hair but I wont lie I had to perm it so I have it tied up in a pony tail.

  5. Go Ms.A you have the first person to comment promoting your there own stuff.Your getting bigger YAY!!!

  6. Dude what was that about?? I should be happy?

  7. how cute is it that I really don't know If I should be happy about that?

  8. I think you should be happy Ms.A your getting more traffic.But I cant wait to see the movie it looks really good.

  9. I think my hair is ok but thank God for weave

  10. I cant wait to see the movie thats going to be really big in the fall.I have terrible hair but weave make it alright.

  11. Tony I can just picture you with your skinny jeans and pony tail.
