Tuesday, August 11, 2009


OK we all know I don't like this song! I've made it clear on multiple occasions but to perform it like this, A couple questions came to mind 1: does this song showcase Mario's vocal ability? 2: didn't Sean Garrett live out his ultimate dream by coming out and ACTUALLY getting to sing? 3:Why was the DJ so eager to showcase that ugly turn table at the end that looks like a guitar...just why? check it at 3:30 isn't it just scary? SAU help me! Of course this is only my opinion if you dig the song good for you!


  1. Sean Garrett is amazingly wack in singing and the instrument is very scary I agree

  2. Ms.A you trippen this song is one of the hottest songs out right now.But that instument was not called for....

  3. Ms.A I just noticed you always have something to say bad about this song.Its ok with me I cant stand it either.What the hell was the DJ doing and you can look at him and see he thought he was killing it.

  4. Than why was Sean Garrett wearing a valour suit and its 90 degrees outside?

  5. I understand where your coming from Ms.A the song is not the best but its one of the hottest songs in the A right now.

  6. LMAO at you Ms.A you love going in on this song I dont blame you its not very good at all.

  7. LOL at Sean Garret living out his dream.... but this song really does suck

  8. The dancers looked so awkward..... but they play this song alot in NY I dont know why its sucks to me.

  9. This song sucks so bad I cant stand it...... Ms.A I notice you go in on this song every chance you get I love it.

  10. What the hell was the Guitar Hero DJ doing Im just to through with him.

  11. Ms.A your crazy I love it.......I dont understand why Sean looks like that he wants to be sexy but he looks like an android or something.

  12. Ms.A your gonna go in every chance you get on this song.But I feel you this song is really bad and annoying.It sounds like a 5 year oldwrote it.

  13. Why the hell is the DJ on the guitar spin thingie? I hate DJ's who want to be as popular as the artist UGH!

  14. Ms.A this is just for you do you think he redeemed himself with this one a little? Or is he still on that path of destruction.


  15. Break Up is #20 on the Hot 100 I dont understand that at all 0_0

  16. Ashley.....anything I mean anything is better than hearing Sean Garrett sing out of that nose....I like this one better! hmmmmm look at you Ms. A&R!
