I am a woman who likes her man to be crisp and clean, I like the fade haircut, nice shirt and...SKINNY JEANS?? SAU this has the HUGE thing going around campus for a while now and I just don't get it! I am a very young woman that likes the skinny jeans on myself, but going out to a flesh fair,( a place with a bunch of people, If you like you can take HUUNNY) I don't want my man next to me skinny jeaned out, with the bookbag....HERRO you're almost 30 dude. I know some people are going to tell me "get with the times" but come on...OK OK if you fashionistas and women and men can persuade me so SAU whatcha think am I trippin?
Your not trippen at all as a woman of a certain age like myself I think its disgusting to see men wear skinny jeans.No man who aproach me wearing them has a shot of me saying hello
ReplyDeleteskinny jeans look ok on they guys that are like 13-15 but other than that they look disgusting on men like Lil' wayne! and a bookbag is just too much! I say students of SAU leave the skinny jeans for the women.
ReplyDeleteYall have no idea what your talking about again you guys are stuck in a time warp.Skinny Jeans are in there comfrotable no one wants to wear those big old baggy pants.LiL Wayne and the New Boys are cool.I dont understand how some people dont like them I have on a pair of red ones today and I keep getting looks from the woman.Ms.Ashley I bet if you met me you would tell me hello I love "woman of a certain age"
ReplyDeleteNo man with package a over 4.... nevermind I will keep this rated PG but I cant stand men who where that.Especially when there like 25 what the hell is wrong with you? I wonder if the men who where them wish they were woman
ReplyDeleteAs a man there is no way in hell that Im going to wear some skinny jeans.
ReplyDeleteHow funny is it that she said HERRO? That is the cutest thing but I hate the whole skinny jeans look it is very immature looking!
ReplyDeleteTony you dont want to get hurt you cant handle me mentally or Physically.
ReplyDeleteMs.Ashley your talking really big stuff lets see a picture of you.And Ms.Claudia take that 4 you said and multiply it by 2 and you got me.